Barney Frank Will Retire From Congress !


Jan 22, 2008
Some of the best news I've heard all year !

This blubbering idiot is single most responsible person for the economic climate were in right now !

And I also hold the dumbasses who voted this blob of so-called humanity into office year after year after year........................

Good Freakin' riddance "Blubbering Barney!"
Well, dell's comment aside, southwindBAG refer's to all those people who kept voting for Barney as "dumbasses".

I will (Anyday) match the education levels of Barney's district, to the education level of southwind's district, AND SPOT him 20 percentage points to boot. :blink: Y'all .
Well, dell's comment aside, southwindBAG refer's to all those people who kept voting for Barney as "dumbasses".

I will (Anyday) match the education levels of Barney's district, to the education level of southwind's district, AND SPOT him 20 percentage points to boot. :blink: Y'all .

Bush/Cheney had Halliburton,

Barney Frank was in the pocket of big banks.

So who do we hang first? My vote is Barney Frank in a photo finish

The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. Now, the rest of the world can see what it was missing.

The Fed didn’t tell anyone which banks were in trouble so deep they required a combined $1.2 trillion on Dec. 5, 2008, their single neediest day. Bankers didn’t mention that they took tens of billions of dollars in emergency loans at the same time they were assuring investors their firms were healthy. And no one calculated until now that banks reaped an estimated $13 billion of income by taking advantage of the Fed’s below-market rates, Bloomberg Markets magazine reports in its January issue.

Saved by the bailout, bankers lobbied against government regulations, a job made easier by the Fed, which never disclosed the details of the rescue to lawmakers even as Congress doled out more money and debated new rules aimed at preventing the next collapse.

We need to Occupy Washington, DC and demand that the Fed be dismantled. OWS & TP activists have correctly reacted with anger, I would argue in the strongest terms possible that both have picked the wrong target

@ Tech, don't get your knickers in a knot I lost the link and am having trouble locating it for attribution and allowing folks to read the entire story.
Bush/Cheney had Halliburton,

Barney Frank was in the pocket of big banks.

So who do we hang first? My vote is Barney Frank in a photo finish

@ Tech, don't get your knickers in a knot I lost the link and am having trouble locating it for attribution and allowing folks to read the entire story.

Don't worry about Barney, he'll become a lobbyist for the financial industry (kind of like he is now but with more money)... :eek:
Don't worry about Barney, he'll become a lobbyist for the financial industry (kind of like he is now but with more money)... :eek:

I've often wondered about Ben Bernanke and his orientation. Then I thought of Barny Frank and all I can say is, "I wander who the "pitcher" is and which one is the "Catcher? One thing for certain is that between the two of them the working person is getting up the poop chute.
Bush/Cheney had Halliburton,

Barney Frank was in the pocket of big banks.

So who do we hang first? My vote is Barney Frank in a photo finish

@ Tech, don't get your knickers in a knot I lost the link and am having trouble locating it for attribution and allowing folks to read the entire story.

Hearing he was literally sleeping with one of the top brass at Fannie while chairing the banking committee.....
Hey dell. Betcha' would have been suprised if Barney was sleepin' with " MAE " instead. :D :D :D

These (both sides of the aisle) BAS TARDS are making the Gambino's, Colombo's, Bonnano's etc look like LEGIT guys.

I miss the ol' (John Gotti) days ! :rolleyes:
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Well, dell's comment aside, southwindBAG refer's to all those people who kept voting for Barney as "dumbasses".

I will (Anyday) match the education levels of Barney's district, to the education level of southwind's district, AND SPOT him 20 percentage points to boot. :blink: Y'all .

Bring it Tomalina........................I guarantee the peeps voting in Blubberin's district, were looking for hand-outs, hence the reason he didn't see why Fannie and Freddy shouldn't give mortgages to anyone with a heartbeat ! Bet the majority don't even have GED's, usually one of the requirements to be a Demoratic party member ! I'll spot you 50 percentage points ! live in Blubberin's district................don't you ? It's all coming together now !
Bring it Tomalina........................I guarantee the peeps voting in Blubberin's district, were looking for hand-outs, hence the reason he didn't see why Fannie and Freddy shouldn't give mortgages to anyone with a heartbeat ! Bet the majority don't even have GED's, usually one of the requirements to be a Demoratic party member ! I'll spot you 50 percentage points ! live in Blubberin's district................don't you ? It's all coming together now !

WOW, this is too easy southwindBAG !

Google Brookline or Newton Ma. , and then tell us ALL here on the WC, what you found/LEARNED about Barney's district. This will go on record as being your DUMBEST post yet. :blink: :blink: :blink:
I see ignorance is running rampant.

I love how right wingers have to call people names and insult them when they dont agree with them.

Shows a real lack of intelligence and maturity.
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I see ignorance is running rampant.

I love how right wingers have to call people names and insult them when they dont agree with them.

Shows a real lack of intelligence and maturity.

And another perfect example of how it's all good when the left slanders, sexes and lies , but let the right do the same ?

I present Tomalina VS. Southwindbag as evidence !