BBB's e-mail troubles

Not surprising at all. This guy was the enabler for much of the subsequent crap that Tempe has done, both to Flightfund and now DM--his attitude in that e-mail sums it up nicely.

He was the guy who I lovingly informed that my spend with US dropped $50K YOY a few years ago. Same question to BBB then as to Tempe now--how many PIT-FLL $89 OW fares does it take to make that up?
Remember B. Ben Baldanza, formerly of CCY, now at Spirit Air?
I have flown Spirit in the past and had great flights with them and they have a nice fleet of new Airbuses. Within the last year things have gone to 'hell in a handbasket' and the currently run airline is one that makes the Clowns of Tempe seem LAVISH. In June, Spirit began charging for everything......baggage, drinks, snacks etc. The consumer will only put up with so much. Several friends of mine who really spoke highly of Spirit will no longer fly them unless the fare saves them $50 or more and it is convenient. These Management beancounters need to realize that the more you SQUEEZE SERVICE out of the equation, YOUR piece of The PIE gets smaller until you resort to picking up CRUMBS. (And I am NOT referring to The Kettles :lol: )