Bush duped on Iraq intel?

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  • #16
Your rose colored glasses are in need of cleaning...in your zeal to discredit Bush you have assassinated your own sources.
El chimpo needn't my help to discredit him, it was all his own doing. Or are the 2 CIA agents in the afformentioned story liars because they refuse to toe the official Bush line? Okie dokie, 1 CIA agent who tells you what you wanna hear is a brave American, yet 2 CIA agents who say otherwise are unpatriotic bastards. Got it.

If you haven't already, get hold of a copy of.."HUBRIS--the story of SPIN, SCANDAL and the selling of the IRAQ WAR" by Michael Isikoff. Every LIE, juicy tidbit, you name it, is in this HISTORIC book.

Multi Generations from now, will use this publication as THE authority of the 2002 Iraq war.

This book is on the shelf of EVERY Library, in the USA !

The ONLY "unfinished" piece to this NEOCON puzzle, is the BOMBING OF IRAN.

Either (dirty) DICK.............Cheney is the Greatest political CON MAN, to ever come down the pike,


EL CHIMPO is the DUMBEST(political) SH!T HEAD, EVER to draw a breath.

My guess, it's ..50/50 !

If you haven't already, get hold of a copy of.."HUBRIS--the story of SPIN, SCANDAL and the selling of the IRAQ WAR" by Michael Isikoff. Every LIE, juicy tidbit, you name it, is in this HISTORIC book.

To,... who it may concern.

(Title); "HUBRIS........the inside story of SPIN, SCANDAL, and the SELLING of the IRAQ WAR" !

(Authors); Michael Isikoff and David Corn

If I didn't know any better, I would be inclined to think that you are somehow getting royalties for this book.

If you haven't already, get hold of a copy of.."HUBRIS--the story of SPIN, SCANDAL and the selling of the IRAQ WAR" by Michael Isikoff. Every LIE, juicy tidbit, you name it, is in this HISTORIC book.

Multi Generations from now, will use this publication as THE authority of the 2002 Iraq war.

This book is on the shelf of EVERY Library, in the USA !

The ONLY "unfinished" piece to this NEOCON puzzle, is the BOMBING OF IRAN.

Either (dirty) DICK.............Cheney is the Greatest political CON MAN, to ever come down the pike,


EL CHIMPO is the DUMBEST(political) SH!T HEAD, EVER to draw a breath.

My guess, it's ..50/50 !

I have not read this book yet, though i have heard good reviews about it. Looks like i'll go ahead and check it out, thanks.
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  • #21
Also remember Saddam once had and used WMD. He still wanted them. He lied about having them. He refused access by inspectors. He concealed WMD activities over a period of 12 years. He said he destroyed what WMD he had, but he had no evidence to prove that. Would any sane person believe that he really didn’t have WMD in 2003? If you don’t know any sane people, try out some of these:

• “And mark my words, he will develop weapons of mass destruction. He will deploy them, and he will use them.†President Clinton, December 16, 1998
• “We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country.†Al Gore, September 23, 2002
• “We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction.†Ted Kennedy, September 27, 2002
• “I think Iraq is the most serious and imminent threat to our country.†Senator John Edwards, February 24, 2002

Sadie bets the house on going to war based on one persons word.Tenet had and still has an axe to grind,some of your excerpts prove it.CIA has been sticking it up past administrations butts due to past budgetary cuts and reductions in their power/status since the big dance with USSR was over.CIA thinks it is a government of its own...just ask John Kennedy.Clinton is on record for changing the way assets are/were recruited and it effectively negated our intel capabilities.CIA has leaked all kinds of info on this and past administrations at key political times.CIA has limited credibility.
CIA has limited credibility.

Then why take their word on something this important? As I recall, W's daddy was head of the CIA at one time as well was he not? Would he have not told his son to watch about being set up? Alot of things just do not add up about how this is all said to have transpired.

The issue of WMD is moot anyway. The basis for going into Iraq and ousting Sadam was that he was behind, or helped instigate 9/11. That was a lie. W went into Iraq because he wanted to from the outset. He was making any reason he could to justify his invasion and subsequent screw up of Iraq. A screw up that Cheney knew was going to happen and an event that W said he would not do when he was campaigning. Remember, he slammed Clinton for using the military for nation building and he said he would not do that. He lied then, he lied about Iraq and he is lying now.
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  • #23
Then why take their word on something this important? As I recall, W's daddy was head of the CIA at one time as well was he not? Would he have not told his son to watch about being set up? Alot of things just do not add up about how this is all said to have transpired.

The issue of WMD is moot anyway. The basis for going into Iraq and ousting Sadam was that he was behind, or helped instigate 9/11. That was a lie. W went into Iraq because he wanted to from the outset. He was making any reason he could to justify his invasion and subsequent screw up of Iraq. A screw up that Cheney knew was going to happen and an event that W said he would not do when he was campaigning. Remember, he slammed Clinton for using the military for nation building and he said he would not do that. He lied then, he lied about Iraq and he is lying now.

So we now take for gospel words of a UK dog show reporter?And quite possibly several career CIA spooks who have an issue with Florida?What if CBS is being fed a line of crap.....ask Dan about that.
There in lies the problem. We have been told so many lies, mislead at every turn, that now I do not believe anything that anyone says. It's a case of the boy who cried wolf. Iraq has been trotted about as the boogy man and now when you look at the news, Pakistan has declared marshal law, they have Nukes and no one knows what is going to happen.

I do not trust anything that the White House says because they have proven them selves to be liars. I do not trust the CIA for the same reason. I do not trust the NSA, AG or any other US government mouth piece. W has lied so many times that he can no longer be trusted. That is his fault and his alone. The consequences of his actions rest squarely n his shoulders.
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  • #25
I read a book many years ago about the CIA and their levels of information dissemination and how they work in concert with State and Exec and so on.Needless to say,just with what I learned then...I am just as skeptical if not more now.You realize it sometimes does good to show your enemy or enemy's you seem to have inherit weaknesses.I wonder too if Pelosi and some others play the game too.
Also remember Saddam once had and used WMD. He still wanted them. He lied about having them. He refused access by inspectors. He concealed WMD activities over a period of 12 years. He said he destroyed what WMD he had, but he had no evidence to prove that. Would any sane person believe that he really didn’t have WMD in 2003?

You know, hindsight being 20/20, a lot of sane people thought he had them. But you know what's funny, one insane guy, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, also thought he had them. As a result, Iran wasn't nearly as "vocal" as they are today. But...with Saddam out of the way, and no WMD's to be found , Ahmadinejad has become a lot more vocal. But of those folks you mention, how many thought it best to unilaterally go in and get those WMD's? IMHO, had we followed the advice of ANY of those guys you cite, we wouldn't be eating "freedom fries" today. Oh...about those freedom fries and surrender monkeys - these quotes are from a Time magazine interview with Jacques Chirac in February 2003...a month BEFORE we invaded:

But you seem willing to put the onus on inspectors to find arms rather than on Saddam to declare what he's got. Are there nuclear arms in Iraq? I don't think so. Are there other weapons of mass destruction? That's probable. We have to find and destroy them. In its current situation, does Iraq—controlled and inspected as it is—pose a clear and present danger to the region? I don't believe so. Given that, I prefer to continue along the path laid out by the Security Council. Then we'll see.

or this

Why do you think fallout from a war would be so much graver than Tony Blair and George Bush seem to? I simply don't analyze the situation as they do. Among the negative fallout would be inevitably a strong reaction from Arab and Islamic public opinion. It may not be justified, and it may be, but it's a fact. A war of this kind cannot help giving a big lift to terrorism. It would create a large number of little bin Ladens. Muslims and Christians have a lot to say to one another, but war isn't going to facilitate that dialogue. I'm against the clash of civilizations; that plays into the hands of extremists. There is a problem—the probable possession of weapons of mass destruction by an uncontrollable country, Iraq. The international community is right to be disturbed by this situation, and it's right in having decided Iraq should be disarmed. The inspections began, and naturally it is a long and difficult job. We have to give the inspectors time to do it. And probably—and this is France's view—we have to reinforce their capacities, especially those of aerial surveillance. For the moment, nothing allows us to say inspections don't work.

Of course, back then George "John Wayne" Bush donned his cowboy had and eyepatch and proclaimed "yer fer us or agin us"...and freedom fries were born. The motto of the Bush administration then was "Ready, FIRE, Aim"...I hope against hope it's changed, but I don't think it has. My guess is that we attack Iran by March 2008. Let the successor clean up the mess.
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  • #27
We do Iran and I think its a given....you'll see some radical muslim reaction here to shake this country to its foundation and all the Lib's will line up to steal your liberties like Bush never could.
You'll think the patriot act was a cake walk.
Is'nt that what they want after all, Big Gov'ment to control it all!

Seen it coming awhile back...already laid my plans! :up:
We do Iran and I think its a given....you'll see some radical muslim reaction here to shake this country to its foundation and all the Lib's will line up to steal your liberties like Bush never could.
You'll think the patriot act was a cake walk.
Yes...we might even see them put limitations on Amendment 2. As I said...when Bush opened the door, somebody else is gonna walk thru it.
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  • #30
Yeah...I can see in the face of attacks in the home and around the community by radical factions,Liberal's taking away our guns in a time of crisis 'for our own protection'. :down: