Cart Safety Video


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
If you haven't already seen it, reserve your tickets now for the exciting, gripping new video regarding cart safety. It's already playing on the tv in ops at STL, but we may have an advance copy.

If it is playing in your Ops, you MUST see it all the way through. The demo f/a (when she's not looking to the side for instructions. Don't they rehearse these things?) pulls it out of the cart housing in M/C on the S80 with 4 fingers under the rail and her left hand braced against the side of the galley.

She then twirls that thing like a baton, moving it around with the greatest of ease. Unfortunately, she ruins the whole effect by opening the cart at the end. It contains one empty insert and one insert with coffee carafes in it! :lol:

Problem is that on the flights I've been working that space contains a fully-loaded beverage cart weighing in excess of 200 pounds which clears the #4 jumpseat by about 1/2 inch when you are pulling it out of the housing.
I wonder if the line will be as long as it was for the new iPhone, to watch this Oscar potential video?