Chip another question for ya.

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On 6/5/2003 11:24:02 AM oldiebutgoody wrote:

I know exactly what it says. Just wait and see (if you can EVER get on at MDA to start with) and see what you end up with. Then get back to me.


Forgive me for taking a little longer to get back to the thread, today was Bar-B-Q and volleyball day, and it took a little longer than usual.

I take it from your post that instead of me explaning the realities of the above attachment that you posted, you would rather wait until that day comes. Well I''m fine with that for now, just so long as you understand that your seriously wrong.[:bigsmile;]

I would also like to add that I had no intention on insulting you or any of your Mainline counterparts. My intention was focused on educating you on the deals that your MEC made and how they DON''T affect the WO pilots.

I do wish you the best and hope you understand that the true reality that we all need to face is that the WO pilots and Mainline pilots are the only friends we have. Working together is the only option for returning US Airways and US Airways Express flying back to the US Airways Group Pilots. I hope that''ll be a fight (whenever it comes) that you''ll be able to join.

My Best,
