Columnist: What's so interesting about Hillary?


Jul 23, 2003
A fairly good read...

My question to Bears and all the other Team Hillary cheerleaders...

What has she accomplished which makes her a good candidate for president in 2016?
I feel the same about Obama. He's speaking at Desert Vista High School less than two miles from my house in Ahwatukee, AZ on Tuesday. Sorry, can't make it. I'lll be out of town along with most of my neighbors.
A fairly good read...

My question to Bears and all the other Team Hillary cheerleaders...

What has she accomplished which makes her a good candidate for president in 2016?

Does that name ring a bell to you Eric ol' boy ?
NO ?
(I didn't think so)

Well Eric,Your BOY....GOLDBERG @ is a NEOCON, and as a side job is a REGULAR opinion writer for the .."MANCHESTER (NH) UNION LEADER"...The most Right Wing Nut / Whack Job newspaper in the USA.
Ever hear of the 'Union Leader'..Eric m'boy ?
OH. You Have ? Yes I knew you would've !

Getting NERVOUS are we Eric. (I mean it's ONLY 2013)...Hahahahahahahahahaha !!!!
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Hey Bears, great job attacking the writer, but how 'bout answering the question?

What has she done that proves she deserves to occupy the office? I see lots of resume, but few actual accomplishments on it.

She didn't write any legislation of note as a Senator, she didn't broker any great peace or trade agreements, and aside from having slept in the same house as a former POTUS, I'm struggling to see why you would want her to be a candidate.

Is it possible for you to actually express a thought along those lines as to why you support her?...
E, the only reason he loves her is she has a "D" by her name and she is a liberal , same reasoning he used to vote for the dolt that's in there now.
A fairly good read...

My question to Bears and all the other Team Hillary cheerleaders...

What has she accomplished which makes her a good candidate for president in 2016?
I do not support a Clinton candidacy. She would be very vulnerable and would likely be a one-term President if elected. There is other talent out there. She may take one for the team and continue to be the wuppin' girl for the republicans.

I really don't understand why the focus is on taking her down. If they cannot get the Latino vote, they are toast. If they dump immigration reform, they will polarize the latino's like Obama did the blacks in 2008.

I also think that if the HOR continues on its course of do nothing gridlock, they will hand the election over to another Democrat.
Hillary is out because of Bengayzee. I think though that keeping her in the limelight is a perfect strategy for a 2016 win....for the democrats. After the GOP slime machine gears up....foaming at the mouth with a bunch of Bengayzee attack ads - only to find that Hillary isn't the candidate there Bengayzee references will just be a waste of donor dollars.
Hey Bears, great job attacking the writer, but how 'bout answering the question?

What has she done that proves she deserves to occupy the office? I see lots of resume, but few actual accomplishments on it.

She didn't write any legislation of note as a Senator, she didn't broker any great peace or trade agreements, and aside from having slept in the same house as a former POTUS, I'm struggling to see why you would want her to be a candidate.

Is it possible for you to actually express a thought along those lines as to why you support her?...

You spent a LOT of time in a state named TEX-ASS, where a mildly retarded person ( EL-CHIMPO ), gave the 'Green Light' to EXECUTE some innocent people, became the POTUS and was conned into a Phoney war, that took the lives of over 3000 soldiers, and over tens of thousands of people Permanently Phucked-up,..................................and YOU want to a question a former United States Secretary of State, and a United States Senator ?

Typical of a Party who 'Tub-Thumps' the likes of people like (uncle) Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Mike Huckleberry, Michele Bachman, Rick Santorum, Alan Keyes, Gary Bauer to become POTUS !

Not to mention that your 'out-of-touch' party has NO ONE, NADA, EL ZIPPO of any semblence of a credible candidate to put forward in '16.

When is the time and date of CNN's documentary...on Mrs. Clinton, to be broadcast.
I sure-as-HELLL don't want YOU and I to miss it !!!!!!!!!!
I thought CNN, also known to Republicans as the communist news network, was a worthless pos news source?

Now they are ok because they are doing a Benghazi focus piece?

Make sure you hold your nose when you turn on that channel. LMAO.
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Again, you've mocked Texas, called a former POTUS retarded (which, is particularly offensive to the families of special needs), and you've called a successful CEO an Uncle Tim, which is just as bad as calling him a ******...

You've completely dodged the question, Archie.

Why is Hillary qualified? What has she accomplished? A job title isn't an accomplishment.
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I thought CNN, also known to Republicans as the communist news network, was a worthless pos news source?

Now they are ok because they are doing a Benghazi focus piece?

Make sure you hold your nose when you turn on that channel. LMAO.

I've never claimed them as worthless for news, but their opinion shows are. Pierced Organ is one step removed from Jerry Springer, and an insult to Larry King's legacy. Blitzer and the rest are just as transparent.

When it comes to actual journalism? They like to break a real story as much as anyone else does. You'll recall they were the ones who found Stevens' diary.

Again, you've mocked Texas, called a former POTUS retarded (which, is particularly offensive to the families of special needs), and you've called a successful CEO an Uncle Tim, which is just as bad as calling him a ******...

You've completely dodged the question, Archie.

Why is Hillary qualified? What has she accomplished? A job title isn't an accomplishment.

Well I guess..HC has as many positives, OR Negatives as 'W'.
Does that make her qualified or not ?
Thanks for the clarification on CNN Eoleson. I detest most of the op Ed shows on all the channels. I do like to watch FNS, GPS, FTN, and Reliable Sources.

I cannot stand Morgan and his ilk.

I agree that news is news. What you will see on these channels now is the crawler with the yellow journalistic themes, titles, and slants.
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Well I guess..HC has as many positives, OR Negatives as 'W'.
Does that make her qualified or not ?

Gee, lets compare accomplishents.,,,

W built an energy company from the ground up, saw it merge with another energy company, and then became a general managing partner of a Major League Baseball franchise, raising the value of that team 900% over the five years he was a co-owner. He earned his money thru entrepreneurship, not book sales or campaign fundraising.

That's over 15 years experience in private enterprise, running businesses and seeing their values increase, BEFORE he ran for Governor.

Y'all can mock him for not sounding like an elitist, but I've met him in person. Spent between 30 & 45 minutes with him before he ran for Governor. He ain't dumb by any means.



You've dodged the question.

What's so positive about Hillary?

Where did she build a business from the ground up?

What exactly has she managed where she had accountability to someone other than a politician?...