Congress goes on vacation – Energy Bill can wait

Tug McGroin

Mar 25, 2008
Virginia Beach, VA
“CNN iReporter BethesdaBK writes "In fact, every new promise that the new members of Congress ran on to get elected remains exactly that, an empty promise.â€￾

The Republicains want offshore oil drilling and ANWR.

- fast track to foreign oil independence
- short and long term gas price stabilization
- heavy investment in sustainable alternative fuel sources (atomic,hydrogen,algae biofuel

The Democrats want immediate transition to carbon-free renewable energy sources.

- fast track to carbon free socieity
- heavy dependency on foreign oil during transition (20 years min.)
- windfall profits tax on oil companies
- wind, solar but no atomic energy.

“Some voters and Congressional observers suggest that both parties stand to benefit politically from delaying any action on energy.â€￾

How will voters react in November?
“CNN iReporter BethesdaBK writes "In fact, every new promise that the new members of Congress ran on to get elected remains exactly that, an empty promise.â€￾
Actually, the number one thing that got them elected was American's disapproval of the war n Iraq. Little W vetoed their efforts towards getting his administration to show that they at least had SOME plan over there.

This country has moved so far to the ideological "left and right" that we have screwed ourselves. We'll elect a democrat for president, and we'll most likely end up with a republican congress. Back in the "old days", they sort of kept each other in check, but things got done because of a word that we don't hear too much anymore - compromise. One can only hope that the democrat president will try to actually WORK with the congress he gets. Little W has led with a "my way or the highway" attitude from the day he took office...and he even had a republican congress for most of the time. He never used his veto stamp prior to 2006, and wields it today for purely partisan issues. One thing little W ran on in 2000 was his ability to "reach across the aisle"...he just didn't say he'd be wielding a baseball bat when he reached across.

We've got a bunch of idealogical idiots who can only see the issues in black or white. Heaven help us all.

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