Contract Maintenance screwup again!

Yeah I'm an idiot alright

Live better-Work Union.

Lastly, To all you pompous "know it all-NOT" types out there...pull your heads out of your arse every now and then. You might actually see something new :p .


I do agree with a lot of what you state here, most is truly reality, business reality calling for bottom line results.

I have worked for many years, 35 exactly. Half of those years union half nonunion. I have found that unions rules are harder to take than company rules, honestly there are. You have uneducated individuals who "think" that their seniority makes them right up there with the Gods.

When looking back over my working life and remembering all that has occurred in union versus no union places of employment, I can honestly say I was happier working non union places.

U was the worst experience and the next worst was back in the 70's at another IAM controlled machine shop, that was truly a nightmare trip because I was hired right after a bitter strike and the union and company hated each other. I left that place and it went out of business not long after due to the bitterness that was its essence.

At U I can cite all kind of union crap that was insane. Examples: Working in all kinds of different departments and at each different department they ran the overtime list like it was a totally different company with it's own separate rules, "their" rules.

Leads handing out your job at the beginning of the shift and then disappearing until quitting time and heaven forbid you disturb them before the shift was up with a actual question pertaining to doing your job. That was fact, that was reality.

I remember when the 92 strike came around they told us to "work safe“, a code word for "do nothing" and if you did, then by God you were a scab.

I remember a guy who lived on the other side of the country and commuted weekly working all kinds of overtime during his time away from home. A few mechanics wanted to get everyone to refuse overtime over some petty issues, I mean petty issues! This guy was threaten with bodily harm and the guilty mechanic was fired. He was off for over a year, should have been permanent, but over a year he was off coming back with less seniority than I had, which was funny to me, still is.

Unions, good old unions, need them to work you say. Well I disagree and here is why: If I work at a company that absolutely needs unions to get thru the day, I simply choose not to work at such places, no one is holding a gun to your head. And, not every employer is rotten to the core where unions are needed. IMO it's mostly the other way around, most unions are rotten to the core and need removed. Many unions have caused the demise of good jobs with people running them having rocks for brains.

If all people and places were rotten to the core as the union talking heads like to say, then we as a species would have killed each other off long ago, but here we are. That is just a lame excuse for people who need someone to tell them how to run their life, what to do think and say, which the unions are experts at. It's also the reason unions are becoming extinct, because most thinking people would rather work for the man rather than work for the union.
E-TRONS! Excellent post. I could not agree more. As it turns out, apparently, all those years of the constant mantra of safety above all else were a lie. I've been beaten with the safety stick my whole career (apparently also a lie, not a career nor a profession). I have witnessed things done of late that were verboten in the past. And yet there are no repercussions, nothing, silence. Save for the dumbfounded looks and head shaking of the old line mechanics. So if it's true that airlines can operate in a third world fashion, and pilots will fly'em no matter what, and the feds will look the other way, and the bottom line is really the bottom line, then apparently what I've believed all these years is not true and the value of my services is on par with any unskilled labor in any corner of the globe. We were taught that mistakes were unacceptable, that good enough was not good enough. Apparently it is.