Curious, any US FA aware of the difference cost/pay

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Jan 7, 2004
Red Planet
" This really quickly devolved into a cost vs earnings debate. The original post said that the AFA chart should put to rest "who makes more." I still offer no opinion, except that the average employee (incl F/A's) could care less what it costs the company to have them on the payroll. Ask them what they make, and they'll respond with the hourly rate they get, gross/take home from their paycheck, or some other similiar number. Not many, if any, will even know the cost to the company of having them on the payroll and fewer will even care.


I take from this that although you have given billions in have no interests in how much your "pay" represents in the "cost" analysis of company's expenses or the company costs that have been "transferred" to your pay?

Just curious.
Please do not start multiple threads on the same topic. I am sure that if any US Airways flight attendants wish to comment on this topic, they can find the thread on the Delta forum.
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