CWA members...How can you say Yes


Dec 26, 2002
There is not one good thing in this concession package.
We do know we will be making less than the ramp at the top of the scale. We do know our benefits will be the same or less than AA eagle has now but we DO NOT have any information from the CWA on what those benfits are. We do know that if you take voluntary furlough now you will not be able to retire unless there is an opening on the system. We do know that there are hundreds of agents on furlough so openings will be few and far between. And we do know if this passes a very large majority of out smaller stations will end up being MDA stations and employees will be making wages and benfits at a largely reduced rate. So lets see, yes will only be a death sentence for all the small cities, and the hubs will get all the senior employees transferring in and the hub employees will either get furloughed or bumped down the seniority roster. Oh and you say you want to have the glorious job of an airline worker. Those days are over, we are all just worthless numbers to Jerry and Dave. Customer service is not important anymore, don''t kid yourself into thinking you should kill yourself to make the airline look good. The future is grim for CWA folks no matter how things go in the next few months. Liquidation is not going to come from the the CWA saying NO to this round of concessions. CWA team, You really missed the boat this time around. Vote NO to such insults...all the training we have to attend and the crap we have to deal with in customer service and you accept a pay scale less than the ramp.... I hope you will join me in saying NO to this package. Enough is Enough and my mega plus years say... ENOUGH DAVE !!!...NO NO NO....
Thanks for the time on the board folks....Bash away if you like...CWA, You should be ashamed!!!!
Tisk, Tisk, you know you cannot even begin to think NO! until 1-you somehow find there is a better job market out there, and 2- not until they bring scale down to 5.65 an hour, then you can "consider" voting NO!
In the meantime you need to concern yourself with protecting the jobs of the other 31,000 or so out there ,get ready for round 3 next time a handout is needed,and not worry about yourself.
Voting yes means severance pay for many, furlough benefits available for many, recall rights available for many.
Voting NO means in all likelyhood that U goes under. No pay, no insurance, no COBRA insurance, NOTHING. I'll bet the majority of folks understand that and vote YES. These are CONCESSIONS. What did you think, that they were gonna give you a raise?
On 12/26/2002 8:20:26 PM Severed-N-Happy wrote:

Tisk, Tisk, you know you cannot even begin to think NO! until 1-you somehow find there is a better job market out there, and 2- not until they bring scale down to 5.65 an hour, then you can "consider" voting NO!
In the meantime you need to concern yourself with protecting the jobs of the other 31,000 or so out there ,get ready for round 3 next time a handout is needed,and not worry about yourself.
enough already....if there are people who feel " no " is the way to be one is this company has ever looked out for the other so why start now...there is a vote so individuals can decide what they want ..not what you or anyone else thinks should happen...

do not interpret this as a no vote...but it is a personnal choice for each and it seems that the yes pushers are just as selfish as the possible no voters who they seem to call selfish and self centered. seems to me not to long ago the iam walked out...why..because thet did not like the contract proposal..they voted no....afa...what was chaos...did not come to that but you were ready..why,,did not like the was ok then but not now...

let the votes fall where they may and let the individual decide what is best for them..

[img src='']
I'm in MCO RES...took furlough, but voting yes to keep the severence and protect the jobs of others. Hoping that US stays alive despite what the call hold times will be. Heard there were 400 calls on hold early this morning. Good Luck to All !
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/26/2002 7:58:23 PM DaWoo wrote:
[P]There is not one good thing in this concession package.[BR]We do know we will be making less than the ramp at the top of the scale. We do know our benefits will be the same or less than AA eagle has now but we DO NOT have any information from the CWA on what those benfits are. We do know that if you take voluntary furlough now you will not be able to retire unless there is an opening on the system. We do know that there are hundreds of agents on furlough so openings will be few and far between. And we do know if this passes a very large majority of out smaller stations will end up being MDA stations and employees will be making wages and benfits at a largely reduced rate. So lets see, yes will only be a death sentence for all the small cities, and the hubs will get all the senior employees transferring in and the hub employees will either get furloughed or bumped down the seniority roster. Oh and you say you want to have the glorious job of an airline worker. Those days are over, we are all just worthless numbers to Jerry and Dave. Customer service is not important anymore, don't kid yourself into thinking you should kill yourself to make the airline look good. The future is grim for CWA folks no matter how things go in the next few months. Liquidation is not going to come from the the CWA saying NO to this round of concessions. CWA team, You really missed the boat this time around. Vote NO to such insults...all the training we have to attend and the crap we have to deal with in customer service and you accept a pay scale less than the ramp.... I hope you will join me in saying "NO" to this package. Enough is Enough and my mega plus years say... ENOUGH DAVE !!!...NO NO NO....[BR]Thanks for the time on the board folks....Bash away if you like...CWA, You should be ashamed!!!![BR] [IMG src=""] [IMG src=""] [IMG src=""] [IMG src=""] [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P][STRONG][EM]vote no and,yes you will be making'remarkably less'like you never seen the likes of sweetie! [/EM][/STRONG][img src='']
Vote NO, and none of you will have a job with USAirways or anywhere else. Happy job searching! to you
Well, it looks like we see the same problem with the proposed concessions, but we see completely different answers. Okay, so by voting yes, many people will be out of jobs...does voting no help that at all?? The way I see it, if voting yes helps a few people get a few more paychecks at $20/hr vs $8-9/hr, why would I vote no?? If 800 res agents get to stay mainline at our current payscale, as opposed to everyone losing their jobs under chapter 7, why would I vote no? Just doesn't make sense to me. Again, I think the concessions suck. I'm no Pollyanna, believe me. I'm a pragmatist (just like Tony Soprano )
I've been here for 18 years; seen a lot of garbage (like everyone else), been through 2 mergers, two office closings- I don't have to tell you; we all know the drill. I just don't see closing down the airline as the answer. (And no, I don't think they're bluffing. But hey, what do I know?)
[FONT face="Arial Black" size=3]Severence? Many of us have already been furloughed before and recalled within a year. No severence on this January furlough. There is no pension to worry about within the CWA group. Many employees have been burned too many times to care anymore. Sad?....yes it is but what goes around comes around. Too many agents are just plain numb.[/FONT]
On 12/27/2002 2:19:21 AM No Limit wrote:

[H4]Vote YES and you will have NO JOB !


[H4]Vote NO and have NO JOB and NO SEVERANCE PAY!
Vote NO and have NO JOB and NO SEVERANCE PAY!

For as bad as this company's situation is, many people think they will get their severance as long as the company is out of "7", still functioning. But, I see it both ways. Dave is not afraid to ask the courts or anyone else for the world to keep this sick pup aloft. So why do many feel their severance is sacred and out of Dave's reach? What stops him from crying "7" unless the severance packages are stopped completely? The way I see it, NOTHING stops him from doing just that. To confirm Dave’s resolve, look to his action taken with the pension funds! So everyone who votes yes just because of severance, keep your eyes WIDE open. It's about more than severance pay. The yes voters believe there is a future, the no voters do not.
Hey kittykatt
My friends told me to vote no. These are the people who were written up for being 2 minutes late from break or written up for taking too much sick leave and put on suspention, or the friends who are told there talk time is too high and written up.
There still waiting for the kinder gentler USAIRWAYS. These are employers who have made 1 million dollars a year or more for there company.
These are the people who were top ten percent workers.
These are the same workers who have a choice and are saying no, because there still waiting for there supervisers to be kindler and more gentle. These are employees that devoted there lives to US and gotten the shaft back.
Thay are what makes USAIRWAYS the money makers not the money takers.
[H4]Vote NO and have NO JOB and NO SEVERANCE PAY!

It's not that simple. Tucked away in the fleet and CWA language is , in the event of introduction of ground troops, or the sustained aerial bombardment outside of the no-fly zone, in Iraq, we can be separated from the company without severance. The language is so broad, I'm not sure you'd even have recall rights.

As hostilities are imminent, I'd wager most agents will never see severance pay.

Moreover, force majuere is alive and well. Now you know why the company was insistent - in fact, it was a deal breaker - that ALL unions on the property drop their force majuere grievances. The 'guarantee' of 279 a/c will disappear like dust in the wind.
Hey Wilma:

Do you think the guys that run this show are going to be out of work long if they liquidate us if you folks vote no? Just who is it you think is going to get hurt the most? Management? Dave? Wolf? The BOD? Anger is a strong emotion. Many times it clouds rational thought. Most "crimes of passion" that lands people in jail for years occur when anger overcomes common sense.

Decide for yourself. But do so with a clear and unemotional mind. The vote you cast may very well determine if this company survives. Whether you care if it survives may be your decision maker. Just remember that if it goes down, the management that got it to that point will continue to make enormous sums of money somewhere else while the employees will be lucky to find something that is even close to what they were making.
