Definition Of A Scab?

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
No real union member wants to have anything to do with a scab. That is unless the “unionâ€￾ you belong to is Amfa. In Amfa, if you are a scab you are held in great esteem. In fact, if you are a really good scab, you could become president of an Amfa local and move to regional coordinator.

The IAM was on strike at Alaska Airlines (ASA) from March 4, 1985 to June 3, 1985. It seems the current regional 1 director Kevin Jurasincki, hired on at Alaska on April 2, 1985….right in the middle of the strike. Is the leadership that you want? It seems Amfa think so.

Amfa even uses scabs as good examples of what their union is about. Another Alaska Airline mechanic, Curtis Leverson, wrote a touching testimonial that was handed out to Northwest Airlines (NWA) mechanics during AMFA’s 1998 raid at that carrier. Another scab, Lee Markuson, was singled out by Amfa as a shining example of what all mechanics could be under Amfa. Their testimonials were posted on the Mechanic web site. Problem is that Mr. Leverson and Mr. Markuson crossed the same picket line as Mr. Jurasinski in 1985, earning them the recognition from amfa as worth examples of good union men.

It has now come to our attention that Alaska is full of scabs! It seems that a mechanic named Steven Boyd crossed the same picket line as these other boils. Mr. Boyd, we are told, is the communications officer for the ANC Amfa local, as well being in charge of their web site. Another example of how the garbage rises to the top of Amfa!

Kevin is Regional 1 Director for Amfa now. Why doesn’t the Amfa wantabes scream about change at Amfa? All you listen to is complaints about the TWU! Why not show 15 minutes of fame and question Amfa for a change! Get the facts and learn the truth! AMFA’s track record speaks for it self!

Copied from an earlier time and updated,
it appears that CIO condones working other union work at a lower cost?