Dellzzzzz Still A No Show

Long Term AMT

Jan 8, 2004
So as usual- DELL'S a NO SHOW

The largest local in the AA-TWU system is UN-WORTHY of DELLzzzzzz presence in a simple debate? He came to MSP ONCE!, don't worry there's no need for alrm talk to the braindead on the floor for your amfamation. Debates for Dell are out.
I don't know why........
Oh, that's right he can't orchestrate, ooops, I mean control, ooops, I mean administrate the debate that way. Oh darn, I forgot he can't throw out honest future AMFA mechanics that have questions either.

Still waiting to see you at NWA Dell, and waiting , and waiting, and waiting , and waiting ........... :down:

:ph34r: Dell taped all the AMFA "meetings" in MSP but he would not debate there either we wanted to have a debate when the IAM was here. If he can't control the whole thing he won't let you in to any "meeting" or debate.
So if you guys at AA fell bad now just wait
Can you believe this?? If you stay here low enough you'll see it all and you poor little fellas are too predictable.. Once the cover is blown these stooges change names adopt a new M.O. then attack from the side.. Too late kiddos years of poor representation spells your dismissal, get your tools in order your coming back out on the floor.. HAHAHAHAH :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

:up: Jim Anderson Tul AMT dock 4D :up:
I don't get it?

The TWU doesn't even invite Delle, and then they claim he is evil for not attending.

Somebody find out the identity of these stooges and have them drug tested!

Think about it. They want Delle to send a panel of three rank-and-file, then claim he is evil for not attending a debate he wasn't even invited to attend.

No wonder industrial union's contract language sucks so bad, they are total dumbasses!
Dave I believe your missing the point, Delle has a few locals to take care of and does not care enough to give anyone the time of day after they win an election.

Amfa has few members in comparision to other Unions/associations. He should at least have enough respect to have one of his sidekicks to visit once in a while.

He has funneled so much money to the seham/mccormick group he does not have enough remaining to fairly represent the members. If they did than the management at the three airlines currently in negotiations would be negotiating. amfa would be setting up information pickets and other means to force the companies to talk in a more regular manor.

Amfa where they continue to fail!!!! Are you willing to fall to the deception and lies they are famous for and be looking from the outside in like 35% +/- of their members currently are?

The more you post here, the more cards we get signed. Keep up the good work. You just might beat out KIRK WELLS for the number of AMFA cards getting signed. I only wish we could have had the internet when we at BRANIFF/DALFORT
had our election. We had IBT "boneheads" like you CIO, but we never were able to keep accurate records of the misinformation that they spewed out of their mouths. Thanks to the internet ,we have every stupid post(lies) you have made on record for all to see!
Checking it Out said:
Dave I believe your missing the point, Delle has a few locals to take care of and does not care enough to give anyone the time of day after they win an election.

Amfa has few members in comparision to other Unions/associations. He should at least have enough respect to have one of his sidekicks to visit once in a while.

He has funneled so much money to the seham/mccormick group he does not have enough remaining to fairly represent the members. If they did than the management at the three airlines currently in negotiations would be negotiating. amfa would be setting up information pickets and other means to force the companies to talk in a more regular manor.

Amfa where they continue to fail!!!! Are you willing to fall to the deception and lies they are famous for and be looking from the outside in like 35% +/- of their members currently are?
since you are hinting at corruption involving AMFA and the McCormick Group, do this:
Use Google or Yahoo. Run a search on AFL-CIO corruption. TWU corruption. and
then run a search for AMFA corruption.
Compare the reasults... Hundreds of hits on AFL-CIO/ TWU corruption.
Strangly I found nothing involving AMFA... Go figure?
Checking it Out said:
If they did than the management at the three airlines currently in negotiations would be negotiating. amfa would be setting up information pickets and other means to force the companies to talk in a more regular manor.

TWU style of "negotiationg".

"I demand x billions of dollars worth of concessions or else."


"OK no problem, help us sell it to the members."

What info pickets did the TWU set up as the company laid off members and gutted our contract? Oh yea, they set up pickets demanding Federal aid for the airline. Right after that the company refused to supprt extending unemployent for the workers they threw out in the street.
Bob Owens said:
Checking it Out said:
If they did than the management at the three airlines currently in negotiations would be negotiating. amfa would be setting up information pickets and other means to force the companies to talk in a more regular manor.

TWU style of "negotiationg".

"I demand x billions of dollars worth of concessions or else."


"OK no problem, help us sell it to the members."

What info pickets did the TWU set up as the company laid off members and gutted our contract? Oh yea, they set up pickets demanding Federal aid for the airline. Right after that the company refused to supprt extending unemployent for the workers they threw out in the street.
You know, I got to thinking the other day about all the talk from you AMFA boys about how TWU is a "company" union. Well, then it hit me. . .if you think TWU is a union that always sides with the company then what can you say about AMFA? The big "company" must love to see them come around. They could save millions, heck, billions with AMFA in. Layoffs, farm-outs, base closings etc. . .a company's dream come true!!!!

So you AMFA boys keep talking about how TWU is a company's union. The real company union award goes to AMFA!!!!

(Just a word of thought!) ;)
twuer said:
You know, I got to thinking the other day about all the talk from you AMFA boys about how TWU is a "company" union. Well, then it hit me. . .if you think TWU is a union that always sides with the company then what can you say about AMFA? The big "company" must love to see them come around. They could save millions, heck, billions with AMFA in. Layoffs, farm-outs, base closings etc. . .a company's dream come true!!!!

So you AMFA boys keep talking about how TWU is a company's union. The real company union award goes to AMFA!!!!

(Just a word of thought!) ;)

Without Further Ratification
Flex Benefits
Loss of Vacation
Loss of Hoidays
Loss of Skill/License Premium
Labor Loans without regard to seniority

What you smokin?
TWU informer said:
twuer said:
You know, I got to thinking the other day about all the talk from you AMFA boys about how TWU is a "company" union. Well, then it hit me. . .if you think TWU is a union that always sides with the company then what can you say about AMFA? The big "company" must love to see them come around. They could save millions, heck, billions with AMFA in. Layoffs, farm-outs, base closings etc. . .a company's dream come true!!!!

So you AMFA boys keep talking about how TWU is a company's union. The real company union award goes to AMFA!!!!

(Just a word of thought!) ;)

Without Further Ratification
Flex Benefits
Loss of Vacation
Loss of Hoidays
Loss of Skill/License Premium
Labor Loans without regard to seniority

What you smokin?

Hey Informer,

Not smokin' anything . . . yet. No, just kiddin', don't touch the stuff!

You didn't dispute my comments. Layoffs, farm-outs, and base closings will save a company way more money. Look, noone is happy with all those things you listed but the majority of us still have a job. I know you think that AMFA is going to come in and save us all but that just won't happen. Delle might be a fine guy, having a union with just mechanics is a fine idea (but not realistic) but they won't fix a thing. You also talk about the division between the line and base mechanics. Do you think AMFA will fix that??? The reason you have a lot of line mechanics (not meant to talk bad about them) that have signed cards is because the "effects" of AMFA will not be felt by them for the most part. Why should they care about farm-out of heavy maintenance?? Why should they care that many people will lose their jobs?? Heck, why should you care??????

Your "accountability" and "without further ratification" and "mechanics in one union" comments are getting old. Give me some SOLID evidence (not TWU bashing stats) that AMFA will be good for the mechanics, ALL the Title I, II and IV employees at AA. You AMFA boys are good a criticizing but not so good and putting up your own proof. You are disgruntled and want everyone to know about it.

And PLEASE don't give me any links or tell me to read the AMFA constitution!!!!!!!!!!!! Been there, done that. . .didn't work. :down:

Hey Bob, no offense, but let's let Informer get this one okay pal??? I'm not really up for a long read! ;)

P.S. You ready for that debate on the 15th??? Hope so. . .

The reason the line mechanics have signed their AMFA cards is simple. The TWU has led many of them to the poor house especially in places like California, New York, and Chicago. They can't afford to be TWU members anymore!

The reason the line mechanics have signed their AMFA cards is simple. The TWU has led many of them to the poor house especially in places like California, New York, and Chicago. They can't afford to be TWU members anymore!
But Princess,


They can hold two jobs to survive just like the OSM's in Tulsa are required to have?
Your "accountability" and "without further ratification" and "mechanics in one union" comments are getting old.

It is the concessions in every contract that is getting old.

Why do the TWU supporters trade wages and benefits for jobs?