Delta is removing more flights

you absolutely certain that DL has never generated 25% margins in any of its Int'l regions?

look carefully.
WorldTraveler said:
you absolutely certain that DL has never generated 25% margins in any of its Int'l regions?

look carefully.
I think you should look carefully before posting grandiose statements, then having to squirm and come up with qualifiers once you're caught fabricating numbers (again).
WorldTraveler said:
you absolutely certain that DL has never generated 25% margins in any of its Int'l regions?

look carefully.
Now you are saying there was "a" quarter in which the margin was 25% - otherwise you would not have phrased the question that way - if they were producing 25% margins all the time DL would be double the market cap
he cant even keep up with his own lies   now that's pretty dam bad   or sad...  or both
once again "has" is the key phrase which means it's once in a while and infrequent - so once again one quarter or one time period does not mean they are posting 25% margins consistently
Too bad you proved yourself wrong
Tough one isn't it
You didn't give us the list of quarters when AA's profit margin was greater than 25% for any global region
Nobody made that claim about AA. You did, however, make it about DL.

Either provide the cite, or retract it.
DOT regional profitability is regularly cited in Aviation Week, which is a subscription site.

just because I read and know where to find data doesn't mean that it doesn't exist because you can't find it.
WorldTraveler said:
DOT regional profitability is regularly cited in Aviation Week, which is a subscription site.

just because I read and know where to find data doesn't mean that it doesn't exist because you can't find it.
Translation - not only do I spell better than everyone - I can afford Aviation Week - so I'm superior to you and therefore I'm unable to prove my point - I will just stand behind a fake excuse

I know where the data is.

because you don't read it doesn't make it any less real.

how's that list of AA/US profitability by region coming?
Bless your heart still having trouble putting your fingers on the keyboard on DL's shortcomings so now we are changing subjects again

Having a tough night again

Is that widget hat you wear (notice spelling) when bloviating on this board a dunce cap

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