Delta Ramp pay scales.


Oct 20, 2007
Well looking at this I’m thinking Delta may have to revamp their payscales again.

Although admittedly not a fan of skimming from the TOS to fund the middle to that degree.

Not for nothing, there are something like 15-16 cities on the system that have their own accelerated payscale starting at $20/hr.

ETA: Those cities include all of UA's hubs except IAH.
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Not for nothing, there are something like 15-16 cities on the system that have their own accelerated payscale starting at $20/hr.

Well you should definitely mention that in the Delta Facebook Group page under the posting with this picture.

I’m sure you wouldn’t want the IAM to gain any small momentum just in case.
How would you know what I have or haven't posted? You threw a Barbie tantrum and blocked me, remember?

But here, I'll help; this UA T/A is a great example of playing small. I recently listed out why that's true, and suggested using AA or WN CBAs as examples of what's possible, but those posts were deleted. Posted a shorter version again this AM. My guess is they'll be gone before you wake up. Those are the breaks when your campaign has been co-opted by UA peeps.

The OAL takeover is what torpedoed us last time. I hope this time's different. Those that don't learn from history and all that.
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How would you know what I have or haven't posted? You threw a Barbie tantrum and blocked me, remember?

But here, I'll help; this UA T/A is a great example of playing small. I recently listed out why that's true, and suggested using AA or WN CBAs as examples of what's possible, but those posts were deleted. Posted a shorter version again this AM. My guess is they'll be gone before you wake up. Those are the breaks when your campaign has been co-opted by UA peeps.

The OAL takeover is what torpedoed us last time. I hope this time's different. Those that don't learn from history and all that.

Are you telling me that the admins in that Facebook Group delete your posts? 😂 oh that’s a gas. Dude they do it cause they saw through your scam and know what you’re really all about. You also write a lot of drivel with no substance and those people that put in the heavy lifting know you won’t lift one of your fingers for real to participate.

They also know the real you carry’s Deltas water. That’s fine and all but pretending you don’t won’t sit well with the people who aren’t blind.

One day just come out and admit Delta treats you good for the most part. You’ll earn some real respect instead of hiding behind your fake curtain.

And I blocked you because you were starting to get obsessed and stalking me. That’s the beauty of Facebook. The “ignore” feature is real.
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Here’s the truth Kev. You don’t care about the IAM Union drive ever being successful because that’s not the real purpose you need them there for. You need them just to be there as a threat so Delta will continue to feel the pressure that they need to improve your pay and benefits just in case.

So you get the benefit without having to pay maybe $100 or more in dues per month.

You also have to carry the Delta water because if they thought you were a threat they might paint a target on your back like they have others. I bet you don’t wear anything with IAM on it or have any IAM stickers on or in your locker. But along the way I also think you grew more of an actual affinity for Delta anyway. Ok. Nothing wrong with that if you think they’re treating you well.

And the IAM isn’t going anywhere anyway. They have to spend a portion of their dues on organizing and in our Industry there really isn’t a lot of low hanging fruit left out there to satisfy the AFL/CIO requirement. So Delta becomes the bucket to dump money into.

So you use the IAM and they use you. You have a symbiotic relationship. And we all use each other.
You also have to carry the Delta water because if they thought you were a threat they might paint a target on your back like they have others.
You have a knack for assuming things. If you were half interested in any kind of "truth," you would've just asked about the target on my (our) back and how in some ways I'm still carrying it. On the plus side, I got a crash course on how to navigate the system, so that was fun.
I bet you don’t wear anything with IAM on it or have any IAM stickers on or in your locker.
One sticker in my locker. 2 on my lunch box. AFA sticker on my water bottle.

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You have a knack for assuming things. If you were half interested in any kind of "truth," you would've just asked about the target on my (our) back and how in some ways I'm still carrying it. On the plus side, I got a crash course on how to navigate the system, so that was fun.

One sticker in my locker. 2 on my lunch box. AFA sticker on my water bottle.


Ok if ultimately I am off base about you you do kind of bring it on yourself. I can’t remember when I’ve seen you write any kudos about the IAM but I can remember the unending criticisms.

How’d you like to work in a Station where you could do this.

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Just 2 that I know of- My takedown of the UAL T/A and what implementing similar would mean here, and a 2nd that called a guy for posting pics of Hitler & Mussolini.

Reality is I wasn’t a fan of that TA either. They wanted so much more on the protections and fell way short. Now it has to be sold as great when my Contract is way better if not now including wages which of course next go around we will improve as how that works.

Granted absolutely the protection was a big improvement from where they were but now they just put off the heavy lifting they still have left.

In re-analyzing the wages however they did do a very good job raising the middle. But I’m a long time away from the middle now and am getting closer to my retirement and would like to keep the TOS higher to save more thanks to a 2 year now stock market nightmare.

And avoid the Political posts or reacting to any. That’s not why that page is there.
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It was limited bargaining at UA, not full on Section 6 Negotiations

Yes and they chose to do limited issue bargaining and frankly backed down when they didn’t capture what they said was their main priority, job security. Yes they did move the needle forward but they are still dramatically behind what we have in our AA contract.

Under their deal where I work if we dropped flight activity Management could perform layoffs and or drop many by seniority down to Part Time. They could choose every bid to bounce people back and forth from FT to PT.

Under my contract they could go down to 1 flight per week and I will still have a Full Time job without worrying about being knocked down or out. They can layoff those who weren’t in on the date of signing and knock all PT down to 3 hours per day but the majority of us would still be coming in and have a contractual 40 hour schedule.

That’s what the negotiators for UAL wanted and they didn’t get anywhere near that. Granted anyone can armchair quarterback when they’re not actually in the game but this couch potato thinks they should have thrown for the end zone instead of punting.