Democrat failures?


Oct 29, 2002

A Failure to Lead
The Democratic Congress is more interested in acting out than in taking positive action.

Friday, November 9, 2007 12:01 a.m. EST

This week is the one-year anniversary of Democrats winning Congress. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid probably aren't in a celebrating mood. The goodwill they enjoyed after their victory is gone. Their bright campaign promises are unfulfilled. Democratic leadership is in disarray. And Congress's approval rating has fallen to its lowest point in history.

The problems the Democrats are now experiencing begin with the federal budget. Or rather, the lack of one. In 2006, Democrats criticized Congress for dragging its feet on the budget and pledged that they would do better. Instead, they did worse. The new fiscal year started Oct. 1--five weeks ago--but Democrats have yet to send the president a single annual appropriations bill. It's been at least 20 years since Congress has gone this late in passing any appropriation bills, an indication of the mess the Pelosi-Reid Congress is now in.

Even worse, the Democrats have made clear all their talk about "fiscal discipline" is just that--talk. They're proposing to spend $205 billion more than the president has proposed over the next five years. And the opening wedge of this binge is $22 billion more in spending proposed for the coming year. Only in Washington could someone in public life be so clueless to say, as Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi have, that $22 billion is a "relatively small" difference.

Let's also be clear about what it means to roll back the president's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, as the Democrats want to do. Every income-tax payer will pay more as all tax rates rise. Families will pay $500 more per child as they lose the child tax credit. Taxes on small businesses would go up by an average of about $4,000. Retirees will pay higher taxes on investment retirement income. And now we have the $1 trillion tax increase proposed as "tax reform" by the Democrats' chief tax writer last month.

Failing to pass a budget, proposing a huge spike in federal spending and offering the biggest tax increase in history are not the only hallmarks of this Democratic Congress.

Beholden to and other left-wing groups, Democratic leaders have ignored the progress made in Iraq by the surge, diminished the efforts of our military, and wasted precious time with failed attempts to force an immediate withdrawal from Iraq. They continue to try to implement this course, which would lead to chaos in the region, the creation of a possible terror state with the third largest oil reserves in the world, and a major propaganda victory for Osama bin Laden as well as for Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.

After promising on the campaign trail to "support our troops," Democrats tried to cut off funding for our military while our soldiers and Marines are under fire from the enemy. For 19 Senate Democrats, this was simply a bridge too far, so they voted against their own leadership's proposal. Democrats also tried to stuff an emergency war-spending bill with billions of dollars of pork for individual members. Now the party's leaders are stalling an emergency supplemental bill with funding for body armor, bullets and mine-resistant vehicles.

After pledging a "Congress that strongly honors our responsibility to protect our people from terrorism," Democrats have refused to make permanent reforms of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that the Director of National Intelligence said were needed to close "critical gaps in our intelligence capability." Their presidential candidates fell all over each other in a recent debate to pledge an end to the Terrorist Surveillance Program. Then Senate Democratic leaders, thinking there was an opening for political advantage, slow-walked the confirmation of Judge Michael Mukasey to be the next attorney general. It's obvious that this is a man who knows the important role the Justice Department plays in the war on terror. Delaying his confirmation is only making it harder to prosecute the war.

Democrats promised "civility and bipartisanship." Instead, they stiff-armed their Republican colleagues, refused to include them in budget negotiations between the two houses, and have launched more than 400 investigations and made more than 675 requests for documents, interviews or testimony. They refused a bipartisan compromise on an expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, instead wasting precious time sending the president a bill they knew he would veto. And they did this knowing that they wouldn't be able to override that veto. Why? Because their pollsters told them putting the children's health-care program at risk would score political points. Instead, it left them looking cynical.

The list of Congress's failures grows each month. No energy bill. No action on health care. No action on the mortgage crisis. No immigration reform. No progress on renewing No Child Left Behind. Precious little action on judges and not enough on reducing trade barriers. Congress has not done its work. And these failures will have consequences.

Democrats had a moment after the 2006 election, but now that moment has passed. They've squandered it. They have demonstrated both the inability and unwillingness to govern. Instead, after more than a decade in the congressional minority, they reflexively look for short-term partisan advantage and attempt to appease the party's most strident fringe. Now that Democrats have the reins of congressional power, their true colors are coming out and the public doesn't like what it sees.

The Democratic victory in 2006 was narrow. They won the House by 85,961 votes out of over 80 million cast and the Senate by a mere 3,562 out of over 62 million cast. A party that wins control by that narrow margin can quickly see its fortunes reversed when it fails to act responsibly, fails to fulfill its promises, and fails to lead.

This coming from the man who implied that McCain had a black baby out of wed lock so that his POS candidate could win the S Carolina primary. He is an example of why the republicans lost. He is out of touch with reality because he creates this alternate reality in his little mind.

I hope you will excuse me when I could not care less what a troll like him has to say about anything political or moral.
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Looks like he knows what he's talking about....Dem strategists are scrambling at this very moment over this subject.

WASHINGTON — For the past year, Democrats have been jockeying for the high ground on congressional ethics, hoping a largely Republican lobbying scandal would help propel them into the majority come November's elections.

But the issue is proving to be a two-edged sword, as Democrats themselves have come under scrutiny for allegations of bribery and conflicts of interest.

"You can attack one party for having a lack of ethics, but if any of your own members have problems, it dulls the message with the American people," said Leon Panetta, an ex-Democratic congressman from California and chief of staff under President Clinton. "They begin to put everybody in the same box. It clearly loses some of its impact as a clean campaign issue."

Instead, the Democrats seem totally out of fresh ideas for improving matters either at home or abroad, and many confess to fearing that Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for their presidential nomination in 2008, would lose to any one of several possible Republican nominees. What is the explanation for this seeming paralysis? If they can't win now, when can they?

The Democrats have become, more and more, largely a coalition of minorities, each with its own special agenda.

Democrats facing ethics problems:

•Rep. William Jefferson of Louisiana, who is under investigation of alleged bribery in connection with helping market broadband telecommunication services in Nigeria. Former aide Brent Pfeffer and businessman Vernon Jackson have pleaded guilty. An FBI raid on Jefferson's houses in New Orleans and Washington last year found $90,000 in cash in his freezer. Jefferson hasn't been charged and has denied wrongdoing. His attorney, Robert Trout, declined to comment.

• Rep. Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, who directed federal grants to non-profit groups back home while entering real estate deals with top officials of the groups. The congressman's personal wealth jumped. Mollohan has defended his actions as designed to bring economic development to his district, but he had to step down as the top Democrat on the House ethics committee.

•Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the subject of staff complaints that he assigned workers to babysit, chauffeur and tutor his children and pushed aides to do campaign work on government time. Conyers attorney Stan Brand said the congressman responded to the charges two years ago and hasn't heard from the ethics committee since then. Republicans are "looking to increase the Democratic body count" in response to their own corruption scandals, he said.
[/Karl Rove]

This man was/is the biggest threat to this Republic since the Civil War. He should be the first tried and jailed for treason (from the most corrupt group in the history of this nation). Besides looking like a pasty fat freak of nature...If Mc Cain DOES have a Black illegitimate child, he is probably jealous of the child's mother.

I've got to tell ya' ol' buddy, that the more you keep harping on the "alleged do-nothing" Democratic congress,.............KNOWING FULL WELL that the democrats don't have a Super Majority in both houses(meaning that they don't have enough votes to OVERRIDE an EL-CHIMPO veto), your either making yourself look foolish(which I know your not), OR, your guilty of being very .."disingenuous" :down:
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The Dems could get lots done if they'd work on governing the country and not trying to get even.
They've passed questionable legislation with the full intent of getting a veto just to make W and the rest look bad going into an election year and Joe Citizen is seeing through this crap and getting weary.Joe wanted change but alas,all he got was the same old diatribe from the left.Dem's hold no slam dunk like many think.They had best wake up.
The Dems could get lots done if they'd work on governing the country and not trying to get even.
They've passed questionable legislation with the full intent of getting a veto just to make W and the rest look bad going into an election year and Joe Citizen is seeing through this crap and getting weary.Joe wanted change but alas,all he got was the same old diatribe from the left.Dem's hold no slam dunk like many think.They had best wake up.


Well Dell, there is "some" truth to what you've said.
But thats about to change, once the Dems control the WHOLE show, and if your honest with yourself, the odds are IN their favor(THAT does'nt mean you have to like it though)

I guess the old saying still holds true..."what goes around..comes around"
From my personal view, I've been SUFFERING with EL CHIMPO, since Katherine Harris made him POTUS !(Obviously, others have differing points of view)
Such is life.
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The Dems want out of Iraq...OK.

So they try to piss off Turkey with some Jack leg resolution soley designed to piss them off and deny the US access through the country to shut down the war....Thats BS.

Pelosi meets with PKK?? Thats BS.

Pelosi meets with Assad? Thats BS.

Dem's try to stop funding the war and our troops suffer? Thats BS.

Liberal's in control is not good for America.
The Dems want out of Iraq...OK.

So they try to piss off Turkey with some Jack leg resolution soley designed to piss them off and deny the US access through the country to shut down the war....Thats BS.

Pelosi meets with PKK?? Thats BS.

Pelosi meets with Assad? Thats BS.

Dem's try to stop funding the war and our troops suffer? Thats BS.

Liberal's in control is not good for America.

Come on Dell, call it for what it really is.

The Democrats are a third column for jihadists, North Korea, Iran and anyone who wishes America ill will. And they're damned proud of it!

I'd be OK with all of this if only dems possed humility while they insult others and embarrass themselves.

The Dems could get lots done if they'd work on governing the country and not trying to get even.
They've passed questionable legislation with the full intent of getting a veto just to make W and the rest look bad going into an election year and Joe Citizen is seeing through this crap and getting weary.Joe wanted change but alas,all he got was the same old diatribe from the left.Dem's hold no slam dunk like many think.They had best wake up.
They were voted in over the war in Iraq. The "questionable legislation" was adding a stipulation for troop withdrawal to the troop funding bill. Bush Vetoed it. They tried again...Bush vetoed it. So....when addressing what they were elected to do, and Bush vetos it - knowing that while they have a majority, they did not have the require 2/3 majority to override the veto...they did all that just to make Bush 'look bad'. Here's a tip...Bush didn't need any help to 'look bad'....he's the worst to ever occupy that office. As far as "getting even"...wasn't 1992-2000 spent by the republicans "getting even" for Nixon and Watergate?
Come on Dell, call it for what it really is.

The Democrats are a third column for jihadists, North Korea, Iran and anyone who wishes America ill will. And they're damned proud of it!

I'd be OK with all of this if only dems possed humility while they insult others and embarrass themselves.


This is the Jersey we know and love. lol. Comment like this go a long way toward establishing your credibility. Keep up the good work.
Sounds like sour apples to me. After the drudging the Republicans took in Nov. 2006, "Boy Genius", and President Bush's political guru, hasn't exactly been a hot commodity amongst the very same people who used to look to him as some sort of mythical deity :lol:

Karl Rove went out the way he came in.

Arrogant, conniving, thieving-a Mayberry Machiavelli, as one former Bush appointee put it so aptly.

Rove was a dirty trickster from the very beginning, and we should have listened to Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose. They warned us about him a long time ago.

Early in his career, he even reportedly bugged the office of his own candidate, and then told the press that his opponent had done it.

He sicked the FBI on Jim Hightower to torpedo that populist from gaining higher office.

And, of course, he finagled the election in Florida in 2000, and he designed the plan to disenfranchise millions of people in 2004 by raising the phantom of widespread voter fraud.

He then encouraged Republican state legislators to place hurdles on the path to the voting booth, with onerous voter ID laws, and he encouraged the U.S. attorneys file fraudulent charges against Democrats so as to throw the election to Republicans.

And he made sure that U.S. attorneys who didn’t play ball got the heave ho.

All the while, he did more than any single individual-with the possible exception of Roger Ailes-to poison the political climate in this country.

By relying on the rightwing base, and by feeding its reactionary appetites, Rove made the Republican Party barely recognizable to old, main line, main street, or libertarian party members. That is why, even today, the candidates for the Republican nomination take turns genuflecting before such idols as creationism and spewing bile at immigrants, gays and lesbians, and women who need abortions.

Rove also was there, in the White House, when Bush and Cheney wheeled out their propaganda apparatus, almost five years ago to the day, to bamboozle the Congress and the American people into the Iraq War.

Yeah, that's our boy, good 'ol Karl. :lol:
Good grief people. You make it sound as if liberals are the Charlie Manson's of the world and conservatives are natures gift to man kind. Conservatives can match liberals in graft, corruption, lies, deceit, back biting, hypocrisies and any other category you want to put out there.

They are politicians. By their very nature they would sell their mother for political gain. They will piss on your leg and tell you it is raining. They will well us out in a heart beat. If they say they will do something do not be amazed when they fail to do it.

There are differences to be sure. But the bottom line is that I will be voting for the lesser of 2 evils. I am under no illusion that either party is interested in my well being. When I say that I prefer one candidate over another it does not mean I hold candidate "X" in high esteem and that I would let them take care of my pets (I have no children and my pets are as dear to me as any human), it only means that I can stomach the other candidates less. It is the equivalent of saying that one STD is better than the other.

As for Rove. Like I posted above. Any body who would use racism and blatant lies to get ahead as he has is a vile example of a human being. No politician would ever get invited over for dinner to my house but Rove and his ilk (I am sure the Dems have an equal example on their side) have a special place all their own. I saw an interview with Mrs McCain and she was talking about how her daughter Googled her self. Mrs McCain had to have a conversation with a 8 or 9 year old on why people said that stuff about her. That is a conversation that should never have occurred. For those of you who support that bastard, think about that kid next time you hear him speak. I for one would not piss on him if he were on fire. And by the way, that does reflect poorly on W because it was done under his name. That is my priority. You don't F^&k with kids. Rove did and that crosses the line. Your line in the sand may be different and that is your right. Just please do not be so delusional as to think your parties sh1t stinks any less tan anyone else's.