DFW International Airport Named Best Cargo Airport in the World


Nov 15, 2005
Air Cargo World, a leading global cargo industry magazine, named DFW International Airport best cargo airport in the world in its recent Air Cargo Excellence survey. Rating the Airport on performance, value, facilities and operations, DFW distinguished itself from other leading cargo destinations. The recognition for DFW comes as the Airport's international cargo business continues to grow in 2006.

"DFW works extremely hard every day to bring new business opportunities to North Texas and to have our cargo customers call us the 'best in the world' is quite gratifying," said Joe Lopano, executive vice president of marketing and terminal management. "Cargo helps propel the North Texas economy, bringing in new jobs with the addition of new cargo service, new products on every flight and new opportunity for local and international businesses."

The survey conducted by Air Cargo World was announced in the March 6, 2006 edition and is available at http://www.aircargoworld.com . The survey ranked DFW first with a score of 113 ahead of North America's second ranked airport, Memphis International, with an impressive 109. Fraport Frankfurt scored a 112 and ranked first in Europe, and Hong Kong International scored 109 as the best in Asia.

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