Dont Get Injured On The On Plz


Aug 20, 2002
Well we just had our first OI incidence last contract does not allow for the agent to use sick time for his injury and even though the company doctor made him stay home for a day along with light duty for a whole week the agent is out 8 hrs pay yet got hurt on the job....OI doesnt kick in until after 7 day wait period..sick time not an option...unless you are out more than 14 days then the OI insurance wont pick up first week time off at all.....I cant believe the union agreed to this along with the company hammering us with "legitimately" get hurt on the job and out a week ..and you are out a weeks pay if the doctor makes you go back.....its one thing for the agreement to allow the "partial" compensation of the actual OI pay to cease..but to force the agent who got injured to not use his sick time during the first week even at half pay at least, is a crime!!....its unbelievable......
Robc98 said:
Well we just had our first OI incidence last contract does not allow for the agent to use sick time for his injury and even though the company doctor made him stay home for a day along with light duty for a whole week the agent is out 8 hrs pay yet got hurt on the job....OI doesnt kick in until after 7 day wait period..sick time not an option...unless you are out more than 14 days then the OI insurance wont pick up first week time off at all.....I cant believe the union agreed to this along with the company hammering us with "legitimately" get hurt on the job and out a week ..and you are out a weeks pay if the doctor makes you go back.....its one thing for the agreement to allow the "partial" compensation of the actual OI pay to cease..but to force the agent who got injured to not use his sick time during the first week even at half pay at least, is a crime!!....its unbelievable......
What State did this occur in ??

(Depending what state your in) Most will allow the injured employee to change doctors "1" time.
In other words, play "the game" with the company "quack" initially, then refer YOURSELF to a specialist, who will not "prostitute" him/herself to the company or the work comp insurance company.

Suppose It's a BACK injury. A specialist won't hesitate to order an MRI, and that can take time to complete, and forward the results to the specialist.
Also, familiarize your self COMPLETELY with your state's laws

Rob did bring up a very good point. The way we all read that at work, was that the Company was forcing you to go to small claims court.
According to the D141 Safety Committee, airline fleet service agents suffer OJI's at a rate triple the national average.

According to a orthopedic surgeon than observed fleet service activity inside a narrowbody aircraft, the ubiquitous 70 lb. lifting limit applies when the employee is standing, and can use the legs and glutes to accomplish the lift.

When he observed that an agent must kneel in the bin, and could only use arms, shoulders and stomach muscles to lift, he said the maximum safe weight to lift fell from 70 to 30 lbs.

The OI policy for fleet was unreasonable prior to concessions - they had no OI bank, but were forced to use sick leave to supplement statutory benefits. That option is no longer available.

Moreover, a documented OI requires an immediate trip to the company approved doctor. The company counts this absence from the workplace as an attendance occurrence, which can lead to discipline.

With all of that in mind, it is incumbent for each agent to work safe, and it is a MORAL IMPERATIVE FOR THE IAM TO GIVE SOLID ADVISE TO THE MEMBERSHIP in this area.

Safety matters are the SOLE area an employee can refuse to perform. For example, if a bag belt jams, and your supervisor orders you to clear it, without observing lock-out/tag-out procedures, you can refuse.
Robc98 said:
.....I cant believe the union agreed to this along with the company hammering us with this........its unbelievable......

Is that kinda like I can't believe you voted yes for it?
Robc98 said:
Well we just had our first OI incidence last contract does not allow for the agent to use sick time for his injury and even though the company doctor made him stay home for a day along with light duty for a whole week the agent is out 8 hrs pay yet got hurt on the job....OI doesnt kick in until after 7 day wait period..sick time not an option...unless you are out more than 14 days then the OI insurance wont pick up first week time off at all.....I cant believe the union agreed to this along with the company hammering us with "legitimately" get hurt on the job and out a week ..and you are out a weeks pay if the doctor makes you go back.....its one thing for the agreement to allow the "partial" compensation of the actual OI pay to cease..but to force the agent who got injured to not use his sick time during the first week even at half pay at least, is a crime!!....its unbelievable......
try consulting a workers comp Lawyer, they tend to get the Companys attention! :D
usairways_vote_NO said:
Is that kinda like I can't believe you voted yes for it?
UVN, my sentiments exactly.
The problem is that the employees that voted yes did so because they wanted to get out with their severence leaving the rest to deal with so called contract.
Finish or Ignore said:
What about climbing back and forth thru bagwell for the kiosk?
don't do it......let the customer put the bag on the scale....they wanted to take the kitchen sink so let them pull their back out trying to get it up there.....
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I sent a direct letter (email) to Mr. Lakefield in regards to this situation to allow at least sick time to be used for the first week an employee is injured on the job..even at the 1/2 pay rate for the first couple days as per the contract...since He as CEO can make this positive change to the contract.....I sent the email 3 days ago to which I have recieved no reply back at all either positive or response.....and I had a second female agent 2 days ago injure her knee after a bag fell off of a cart in the baggage claim area ...the missing bag problems created a logjam of bags here...1 baggage injured pay........
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28yrsnojob said:
This is what you voted for,Ilove it, vote first read later
cmon stevie nice now....your IAM boys sunk you 2 yrs ago too......
28yrsnojob said:
This is what you voted for,Ilove it, vote first read later
Please remember that not everyone voted in favor of this contract. There were the 40% that did Not want it. Maybe the above listed people on OI were in that 40%........
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wings396 said:
Please remember that not everyone voted in favor of this contract. There were the 40% that did Not want it. Maybe the above listed people on OI were in that 40%........
i agree fully..since only 60pct of the whole group bothered to vote anyway....stll no reply from Crystal City on my request to make a change to the policy....