Economic Impact Study Finds Pittsburgh Air Hub ...


Aug 19, 2002
Economic Impact Study Finds Pittsburgh Air Hub Generates $3.1 Billion for Region, Supports 33,300 Jobs

Press Release Source: US Airways

Economic Impact Study Finds Pittsburgh Air Hub Generates $3.1 Billion for Region, Supports 33,300 Jobs
Wednesday September 17, 12:38 pm ET
Loss of Hub Could Have Significant Negative Impact on Tourism Industry, Broader Pittsburgh Regional Economy

ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Airline hub operations at Pittsburgh International Airport are a driving force for growth and economic activity, pumping $3.1 billion annually into the Greater Pittsburgh regional economy and supporting approximately 33,300 jobs in Western Pennsylvania, according to a new economic impact study released today.

Currently, there are 110 markets with nonstop service from Pittsburgh, 108 of which are served by hub operator US Airways. A vital component of the region's more than $2 billion tourism industry, the hub also helps the region attract and retain major employers: Pittsburgh has seven Fortune 500 corporate headquarters, while similarly sized U.S. cities without air hubs have, on average, only 2.7 Fortune 500 corporate headquarters, according to a Campbell- Hill Aviation Group economic analysis commissioned by US Airways.

The study concluded that the nearly 1.4 million visitors who come to the city by air annually spend an average of $554.30 per trip, excluding airfare, while in Pittsburgh, directly contributing $774.1 million to the local economy. Industries that benefit most from economic activity related to the hub include transportation, hotel and recreation services; dining, entertainment and retail establishments; business, real estate services; and professional and intercollegiate sports franchises.

"The Campbell-Hill study only underscores the importance of finding a solution that ensures a major airline hub is maintained at Pittsburgh International Airport," US Airways President and Chief Executive Officer David N. Siegel said. "It is not an exaggeration to say that the hub is a major factor in the quality of life enjoyed by thousands of people living in Pittsburgh and in Western Pennsylvania."

Study authors concluded that the loss of a major airline hub at Pittsburgh International could cost the region up to $1.8 billion annually and result in the elimination of at least 16,800 jobs in the region. By comparison, a similar recent economic study concluded that the St. Louis area could lose as many as 47,500 jobs as a result of American Airlines' cutbacks at Lambert Field.

If the Pittsburgh hub were eliminated, the resulting reductions in the number of flights -- especially nonstop flights -- would also have a significant negative impact on the region's tourism industry and would make it far more difficult for the region to attract and keep major employers.

The impact of a dismantling of the hub would not be limited to the Pittsburgh area, the report authors say. The loss of the hub would result in a $219 million loss for the state and the elimination of another 2,500 jobs in other parts of Pennsylvania. What's more, eight regional Pennsylvania points -- Altoona, Bradford, DuBois, Franklin, Johnstown, Latrobe, Reading and Williamsport -- all would lose air service if the current Pittsburgh hub were eliminated.

Prospects for new interstate and international flights from Pittsburgh International Airport would also be significantly reduced without a hub, the report concluded. Specifically, elimination of the hub would reduce the number of markets served nonstop from Pittsburgh from 110 to 36 and Pittsburgh would lose existing nonstop service to major U.S. markets including Los Angeles and San Francisco. With the loss of hub connecting traffic, Pittsburgh would see a 64 percent reduction in total passenger enplanements.

US Airways commissioned the study to underscore the importance for all parties involved to work towards a solution that reduces debt at the airport. Currently, the airport's $673 million debt, which is serviced in large part by the airport's major leaseholders, makes US Airways' operations at Pittsburgh International Airport uneconomical. US Airways has said that a $500 million reduction in airport debt is necessary.

The $500 million reduction in the airport debt would effectively translate into a $31 million annual investment in the airport. Given the approximately $2.0 billion annual economic benefit that comes from the hub, this amount would be paid back in less than six days each year through the tax revenue and economic activity generated by the hub.

This study assumes that absent debt and associated cost reductions at the Pittsburgh airport, the US Airways hub would likely close and any new air service would be limited because airport costs would jump dramatically -- discouraging or prohibiting significant replacement flights.

Campbell-Hill Aviation Group, Inc. is a privately owned consulting firm providing a wide range of services to the aviation industry. Campbell-Hill's clients include passenger airlines, all-cargo carriers, airports, industry associations, and city, state, and federal government agencies. The firm's founder, Dr. Brian Campbell, began his aviation consulting career in 1968 with Simat, Helliesen & Eichner, Inc. (SH&E) and is an expert in airline economics, planning and forecasting, and the measurement of the economic impacts of air services on local and regional economies.

The report and an executive summary can be found on US Airways' Web site at Reporters requiring additional information should contact US Airways Corporate Affairs at (703) 872-5100.
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It's a study that SHOULD HAVE been commissioned by the politicos in PIT and PA.
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I'll go against the prevailing winds here and consider this a positive development for now. If US wants to close PIT, why waste all this time and money trying to find solutions? (Hey, someone on this board needs to be positive every so often! :) )
The point of the press release is - City of Pittsburgh, the PIT hub creates a lot of jobs and fuels the economy. You'd better consider some concessionary options or risk US Airways shuttering the hub and having 30,000+ people in the metro area with no jobs and several billion in revenues going elsewhere.
An economic "impact" study conducted by none other than USAirways hired folks; not the PA State.

Look folks, PA State are not stupid folks. They have their own impact study. They are well aware that any study conducted by USAirways who are asking for nearly a Billion dollars in cost savings from the State will have their figures skewed and tilted to benefit U's negoitations.

Just like all our consessionary agreements....first management said in the summer this $1 billion figure is all they needed to qualify for the ATSB, then, two months later they come back and said..."excuse me, but our figures were off, we need more to make it work", so then "consession #2 came around. THEN that wasn't enough, they went and terminated the pilots pensions. Then that wasn't enough they put the "screws" to Pittsburgh airport authority and PA, THEN that wasn't enough, they violate all of Labors' agreements to steal more cost savings, THEN that isn't enough, they plan on "oursourcing" Mechanics's never enough because there numbers say so and because they think they can.

Those figures are a "howl"....

PA needs to do a an impact study on how much Mid-Atlantic jobs will deplete the coffers of PA revenue, and how much more debt will be increased to our surrounding Pittsburgh communities and to PA State just to keep U here in

PS. What you need to find out is if Jerry G. has this consulting firm affiliated with his firm.
The study makes at least two egregious assumptions (actually, the whole thing is BS marketing fluff, but I'm not going to waste my breath proving that point again):

1. That PIT would not reduce costs for somebody else


2. That connecting is bad and costs money in terms of lost time. What they fail to mention is that if US leaves and the hub monopoly is broken, airfares will drop (in some cases like a stone--see the average cost of a fare to LAX before HP came to town versus now).

This is a handout request, pure and simple. I hope the Governor sticks to his guns (US leaves PIT they get no help in PHL). Go ahead and try and hub another 200 RJs thru PHL and CLT.
I don't know why ANYBODY would believe ANYTHING that this group presents. They have shown themselves to be liars and master manipulators in EVERYTHING they have done. If the PA leaders fall for this, they're in for a real eye opening once they give away the farm and get NOTHING in return!
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This report mirrors what many non-biased analysts have said, too. If you choose to ignore facts, then so be it. It's funny how management is damned if they do and damned if they don't.
Hey Flyer. Get a clue! it's not the impact they have now that matters it's the impact AFTER they ditch the hub, lower wages to poverty level for MOST groups (including Pilots, F/As and Mech) and turn PIT into the world's largest RJ base. Not only that, they want PA taxpayers to fund ALL of the costs to convert it to one, while lowering rents and debt payments. How much impact will PIT have on jobs (directly, anyway) when virtually ALL of the employees there are on some kind of government subsidy? I know that U has a huge impact on the area now, but the question is what it's impact will be when the Daves are through with it. And I wouldn't believe ANY promises made by this group. PERIOD!
USFlyer said:
This report mirrors what many non-biased analysts have said, too. If you choose to ignore facts, then so be it. It's funny how management is damned if they do and damned if they don't.
This management is damned by their owe deceptive hands. How can anyone of sound mind believe anything they say, write or communicate given their track record? Dave is surrounded by people who will do and say ANYTHING necessary to see the business plan through and in the process become fitly rich. The only way going forward for U leadership to restore creditability, would be to replace the masters of deception team lead by Mr. Glass and company. Until this happens you are living in a dream world believing anything they could possibly say. I just hope the government plays hard ball with this scoundrel driven leadership.
Well said! I also wonder that if PIT was part of the reorg plan submitted to the ATSB, and if the Daves decide to pull out, would the Gov't stop guaranteeing the loans? Seems that someone might think that the Daves were trying to pull a fast one on Uncle Sam. Heck, if I was a congressman or Senator from PA, I might even take that case to the ATSB myself!
U already has the money, and the loan has already been underwritten. Complaining to the ATSB does little good now.

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