Election year 2020

If the us had a standardized process that may be true,
Why don't we have a standard process throughout the nation?

The states have leeway for elections held in their states. But they don't have unbridled power as case law and precedents have shown.
No that starts if and when corrupt, weak, dopey, little kid sniffing Joe takes over.

If there was ever any doubt, dimwitted Biden says it is his intention to immediately sellout America by joining the Paris Peace Accords, impose $15 an hour minimum wage, impose unionism throughout the country on workers who don’t want it, wipeout student debt, rejoin the Iran deal, pay millions to Palestinian terrorists, open the floodgate to illegal immigration, massive increase in taxes, killer regulations, reimpose critical race theory training throughout the federal government, ignore BLM and Antifa violence, force taxpayers to pay for infanticide — and that’s just for starters.

Biden is prepared to lockdown the country and eviscerate civil liberties. He has a target on the suburbs, private health care, non-government schools, undermining the judiciary, etc.”