Erau Debt


Apr 5, 2004
I was enrolled in ERAU for BSPA and I had to take an extension on my classes due to my father had a heart attack. I also had to move because my room mate bailed on me. I know that I qualify for finacial aide and stafford loans, but due to the extension I had to take they wont pay for my classes. So as of now I owe ERAU $747.00 for the rest of the term that I was in and I can't enroll for next term until I pay this $747.00. It really has put me in a situation I don't want to be in. If anyone knows of any help I can get please let me know as soon as you can. I would love to continue my education as soon as I can. I will be taking my powerplant comps May the 11th from another school I was in a year ago. I hope to get somewhere with that and maybe I can get a better paying job with my Powerplant cert. so I can pay this crap off. I am here ripping my hair out.
