Flight Attendant Displacements


Aug 23, 2002
Just came out over Crew Mail:

130 total will be displaced to LGA April 1st, 2005. Of those 130 (50) are active. After several months of trying they could not even get a few people to transfer to LGA. (who can blame them....it's expensive and the trips are horrible) LGA was a Shuttle base and was never a base for USAir until the Trump Shuttle was merged back in 2000. These people were hired back when NY was not even a base. The most JR F/A effected has a hire date of 8/15/99.
With all the leaves and retirements it just blows my mind why they would cause such hardship to these people. There are 1,900 out on furlough that would like the chance to come back...even to LGA. I hope it works out for these flight attendants and I can only imagine what disruption and added stress this will cause to them.
I agree. God forbid they recall 50 f/a's to LGA.

If they end up recalling at any point during 2005---shame on them.

I wonder what AFA had to say???

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Trust me when I tell you AFA is having a FIT! They are trying to reason with them and negotiate a better outcome but needless to say they were not consulted. With the VFLR and Early Retirement Program in the next few months they are just going to "undo" the displacements they are forcing in April. It's like putting the cart before the horse.
AFA is fighting for us so we will see.
I wonder how many of the 50 active F/A's affected will resign?

I wonder how many will quit shortly after getting there and seeing just what the reserve lifestyle of a commuting LGA F/A is like?

I wonder if that's the company's aim?
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If that's the aim.....then nothing has changed. They are just relentless with this group. Why are they targeting the lower paid F/A's? Naaah......they just have no clue as usual.
USAirBoyA330 said:
Just came out over Crew Mail:

130 total will be displaced to LGA April 1st, 2005. I hope it works out for these flight attendants and I can only imagine what disruption and added stress this will cause to them.

Sky high states: This is a problem with any CARRIER that has a base in the NYC area. It's one of the most expensive cities in the country. Rent and cost of living is very high. It's a "junior" base for most carriers. DL, AA and UAL. Like any base, people will have the option to commute, and find crash pads.
USAirBoyA330 said:
If that's the aim.....then nothing has changed. They are just relentless with this group. Why are they targeting the lower paid F/A's? Naaah......they just have no clue as usual.
It's called seniority.
Talk to AFA and see if they'll displace some senior mama's to LGA. :shock:
You know I am going to add my 2 cents to many statements here.

Here are the hard facts


PAGE 18-2 SECTION I PARAGRAPH 1 of the contract states

I. Priority Return
1. A flight attendant who is displaced in accordance with Paragraph C of this Seciton may exercise priority return over NON-DISPLACED flight attendants and utilize his/her seniority to retrun to his/her former domicile when a VACANCY occurs or the base is reopened.

Philadelphia for one was NOT downsized. No bases (other that Pit) are being downsized. They are displacing flight attendants April 1st from PHL and allowing more senior flight attendants to transfer in on the SAME DAY!!!! Therefore any displaced flight attendant (those 50) MUST be returned BEFORE anyone can go into that base. Furthermore, there are 2 flight attendants that are transfering into PHL from LGA basically bumping them out. If LGA is that short.....they should not be allowed to transfer out.

CAN'T HAPPEN FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, they just froze the entire system.

Boston, Charlotte, Philadelphia, and Washington are the bases that have the 50 junior flight attendants. With the above quote from the contract NO ONE can transfer into any of those bases until those flight attendants are returned to their bases. Philadelphia is short everyday already. Once the buy-out starts they will be short everywhere.

We will be back right where we started..........short in LGA!!!

They send PIT flight attendants to PHL now and will continue to do so when they displace the junior out of PHL. They can just send them to LGA then.

Anyone that is, or knows of someone that is being displaced, make sure you fight this.

THE COMPANY IS VIOLATING YOUR CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The company is sweating right now. :up: I think they just realized they made another ill advised and stupid move. I bet the doo is going to hit the fan. Good thinking to bring this up.
Twicebaked said:
You know I am going to add my 2 cents to many statements here.

Here are the hard facts


PAGE 18-2 SECTION I PARAGRAPH 1 of the contract states

I. Priority Return
1. A flight attendant who is displaced in accordance with Paragraph C of this Seciton may exercise priority return over NON-DISPLACED flight attendants and utilize his/her seniority to retrun to his/her former domicile when a VACANCY occurs or the base is reopened.

I may be wrong, but I think you are misinterpreting this part of your contract. We have a very similar clause in our contract at AA. It doesn't apply "going forward". However, once the displacement has actually occurred, then the quoted paragraph kicks in.

I gather that junior flight attendants at UAIR can be displaced while more senior flight attendants are transferring in because your contract allows more senior f/as to "bump" junior flight attendants in a given base. That is not allowed at AA. Once you are assigned to a base, you can not be removed from that base except by displacement transfers if your base is overstaffed and another base is understaffed.

We have about 65 flight attendants at St. Louis who were displaced from MIA. Now that they have been displaced, no one, regardless of seniority, can transfer to MIA until those 65 have been given the option to return to MIA. I think that is the correct interpretation of that paragraph from your contract.
USAirBoyA330 said:

The company is sweating right now. :up: I think they just realized they made another ill advised and stupid move. I bet the doo is going to hit the fan. Good thinking to bring this up.

I doubt that!!

According to the union, they can do this becuase there are "wholes" (openings) that need filled. Furthermore, displacements will be happening everywhere soon.
Even if this isnt' happening to others right now, it soon will be.

Hold on folks, the company is bending you over again!!!!!!!!

They cannot do that at U either! There has to be openings in order to transfer in. That is my argument.
Twicebaked said:

They cannot do that at U either! There has to be openings in order to transfer in. That is my argument.

In that case, you're right. This smells to high heaven. It seems just a little too odd that there would be "vacancies" at PHL and an overage requiring displacements at the same time.

If there were vacancies at PHL and a shortage at LGA, it seems that would require a recall of furloughees, not displacements.

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