Folks Prepare For The Worst

Sep 9, 2002
There are a lot of posters on here good and bad giving out good and bad advice. I am going out on limb here and tell you this single post right here no matter what happens will be the most important advice you will read on this Usairways board.

First IMO Usairays is finished but even if its not plenty of employees will be. That said my advice.

Get off your butt and your keyboard and get some training, do some networking, do some job and career inquiring. By God stop whining and blaming everyone else for the predicament you find yourself in Everyone has a choice in life make the best one for you and stop telling everyone else what to do and saying that they should quit for your own good. Stop telling people not to use their right to free choice because you want to save your job with Usairways which probably isn't worth saving anyway and just delaying the inevitable.

As I said in another thread enough already prepare for the worst you have had years for this outcome. If you have not prepared its YOUR OWN dang fault. But its still not to late, but by God it is late in the game.

With that I will get off my hypocrtical soapbox and slip back into crowd.
usairways_vote_NO said:
happens will be the most important advice you will read on this Usairways board.
It's obvious you take U employees for fools with these words you wrote; anyone who is smart enough to be a U employee knows these facts. We don't need you to preach to us.

Sitting behind a keyboard and telling people how to run their lives must make your clock tick, but it doesn't impress me in the least.
Cav, while the original post lacks politcally correct 'diplomacy' there's no doubting the message. My family motto these days: Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. If US Airways employees aren't starting to dust off their resumes they are in for one really rude awakening. Sorry to be morose, but this is one true case of 'reality bites'.
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hi Cavalier,

Any U employee not preparing for worst yes I would say I take them for fool. You might not need preaching to and I am not preaching but from the whiners and blamers posting on this board its obvious they need to move past Usairways and get head out of sand.

Sorry not try to impress you in the least just trying to get people to stop listening to lies on this board and think about that there can be a future without Usairways for them and their families.

Sorry that hits a sore nerve of yours. If you got your future all planned out for you, good for you, but it would be nice of you to let the ones that don't hear what others have to say without your bashing.

And your uncalled for threatening remarks from the other thread
EyeInTheSky said:
Cav, while the original post lacks politcally correct 'diplomacy' there's no doubting the message. My family motto these days: Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. If US Airways employees aren't starting to dust off their resumes they are in for one really rude awakening. Sorry to be morose, but this is one true case of 'reality bites'.
I'll say it again! WE KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
usairways_vote_NO said:
And your uncalled for threatening remarks from the other thread
Show me where I threaten you or anyone!

If I did I would be thrown off for good.

You can preach all day long and getting pissed if told you are preaching to the wind, to that I say, too bad. If you can't take the heat don't post!
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Yeaaaa thanks Cavlier for speaking for eveyone that sure is mighty of you, you sure are one selfless person NOT
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I am just posting and not pissed at all about the preaching remark, but am a little disturbed about your telling me I could be dead in pennsylvania
usairways_vote_NO said:
There are a lot of posters on here good and bad giving out good and bad advice. I am going out on limb here and tell you this single post right here no matter what happens will be the most important advice you will read on this Usairways board.

First IMO Usairays is finished but even if its not plenty of employees will be. That said my advice.

Get off your butt and your keyboard and get some training, do some networking, do some job and career inquiring. By God stop whining and blaming everyone else for the predicament you find yourself in Everyone has a choice in life make the best one for you and stop telling everyone else what to do and saying that they should quit for your own good. Stop telling people not to use their right to free choice because you want to save your job with Usairways which probably isn't worth saving anyway and just delaying the inevitable.

As I said in another thread enough already prepare for the worst you have had years for this outcome. If you have not prepared its YOUR OWN dang fault. But its still not to late, but by God it is late in the game.

With that I will get off my hypocrtical soapbox and slip back into crowd.
While an unpopular response, here it is again: If you are so unhappy, so unmotivated, so hurt, so convinced U will fail...leave now. Beat the rush, if that's how you genuinely feel this will play out. Don't drag down the remaining employees that want U to survive, even with additional concessions. If your resume' is that good, why wait?

There are many U employees, even IAM, AFA, and CWA'ers that are going the extra mile to make U a survivior. It won't be easy but I am confident the naysayers will be proven wrong.

I beleieve Mr. Lakefield will successfully reach agreements that U Labor can ratify and that the airline will not perish.

Just because you may not feel your job is worth saving, there may be 26,000 employees that beg to disagree.
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While an unpopular response, here it is again: If you are so unhappy, so unmotivated, so hurt, so convinced U will fail...leave now. Beat the rush, if that's how you genuinely feel this will play out. Don't drag down the remaining employees that want U to survive, even with additional concessions. If your resume' is that good, why wait?

There are many U employees, even IAM, AFA, and CWA'ers that are going the extra mile to make U a survivior. It won't be easy but I am confident the naysayers will be proven wrong.

I beleieve Mr. Lakefield will successfully reach agreements that U Labor can ratify and that the airline will not perish.

Just because you may not feel your job is worth saving, there may be 26,000 employees that beg to disagree.

1. Who said I still work for Usairways? I didn't
2. Who said I am unhappy,hurt, unmotivated? I didn't
3. Good I am glad you are confident U will survive, but what if it doesn't? therein my message
4. Who said I didn't feel the jobs are not worth saving? I didn't
5. Who are you to tell me to leave anywhere?
6. Why am I draging down all the remaining employees by telling them to seek selfhelp, even if it just in case?
usairways_vote_NO said:
With that I will get off my hypocrtical soapbox and slip back into crowd.
You are constantly on your soapbox.

The impending feeling of doom is the first thing you feel when you start reading this forum. For you to come and start a thread on the most overwhelming obvious point here acomplishes nothing besides a waste of bandwidth. Congrats on reiterating this the 100,000th time.

Im waiting for a "Sky is Blue" or "With or without employees" thread.

(edited to be slightly nicer)
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Thank you RWerksman

though I don't know if I would feel important I sure would feel good if I helped even one person to prepare themselves for a future without uUsairways or even jump ship for a better future.

Now tell me what did you contribute to this message booard that might you make you feel good?

Let me check hmm 29 total posts I would hardly rate that constant let alone 100.000