Frontier adding at CVG

there's no change in subject.

F9's owns their on-time and customer service rating starting new service in ATL as they do with any other market. F9 is just a financial and operational basketcase that no one with even the slightest knowledge of the airline industry knows that flying with F9 is a risky move if getting there with your bags sometime on the day you are scheduled is a priority.

MegaBus is more reliable than the ULCCs.
You're talking about frequency and reliability which matters exactly nil to the passenger who is shopping for the cheapest fare. Period. Delta is no longer going to be part of that equation and will have revenue diluted as a result. End of story.
As eoleson mentioned a few months ago, you can't make the argument that this is happening in Dallas and not in Atlanta. Sorry buddy.
on-time and baggage reliability are NOT the same thing as or are eliminated or helped by frequency in and of itself.

thank you for revealing that your true bias is ATL vs. DFW. but as usual, you turn the discussion into ä "you'll get yours" when the basic facts are quite diferente.

I have actually noted that ULCC growth has slowed at DFW with WN"s buildup. Part of the reason why the ULCCs are adding flights to ATL is because they are being squeezed at DFW.

also, NK is the dominant ULCC at DFW, not F9. F9 is a far less reliable company than Spirit. F9 is hanging on for dear life while NK is quite profitable.

and AA didn't have any direct tools that they used to counter ULCCs while DL does.

I am not arguing about what is ""happening" in ATL vs. DFW. I am talking about the effect on DL vs. AA.

and finally remember that AA's share of the combined domestic DFW/DAL Market is more than 10 points less than what DL has in ATL. Like it or not, DL simply controls a much larger portion of the ATL market and has more abilility to defend itself than AA does.

but, you know what? We'll probably have public information by the end of the year how well NK and F9 do in ATL compared to WN and DL. If I don't mention, be sure and remind me and I will make sure we get a FACT-BASED answer.

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