Frontier adds St Louis, for a THIRD time


Sep 7, 2002
Well folks, lets hope they can make a go of it this time. They were here first back in ''97 with 732''s and let Delta do the handling. Then they were here just about a year ago and had Mesa operating CRJ''s. Now they are bringing in the bigger A/C with a mix of 318/319/and 733''s. I really think they can pull it off this time. With AA putting RJ''s on the DEN run, I think that they can win over a few customers with a little advertising and a more preferable A/C. Supposedly, Mesa had some contreversial pull out although I don''t know what actually went on. To my knowledge DL will do the handling again and their gate will be A-2.
...and maybe the LiveTV service will help gain some traffic, too. It won't beat a good FF program, but if LiveTV is marketed well to discretionary flyers, F9 should be able to capture some of and stay in the market.
Ad in the sunday Post for Ramp and Customer Service Agents to be inhouse Frontier Staff. Could this mean they are investing in the long haul? Hope so. Flights starts Oct 1.
correction flights start Nov 1. I went to their job fair, 275 people for 7 FT and 5 PT positions. Amazing. I wasn't hired, I was put into the "hey we'll call you if someone fails training" pool. Oh well.