GOP (new) Savior - TRUMP, says Women and Doctors to be PROSECUTED for Abortion !

Aug 20, 2002
Are we heading for 'Back alleys / Coat hangers'  if the GOP gets in the WH ?
Wasn't Roe v Wade overturned by (R) Sandra Day-O'Conner making Abortion legal ?
Now NONE of the remaining candidates will support each other  !!
A recap.
Trump has;
Latino's against him.
Women are against him.
Blacks are against him.
Gay people are against him.
Union People are against him.
Muslims are against him.
Trump has forever wrecked the GOP (THANK GOD), has alienated so many groups ,And he ain't done yet, (THANK GOD), that after he WINS the nomination, which he WILL(THANK GOD), that  'IF' Hillary can't run, I now believe BERNIE can beat him.   AND what do I say to all 'this' ? ...............................................................
"GO.....Donald......GO, ......./....GO.........DONALD.........GO"   !!!
The Republican Party
The    GIFT  that always  keeps on GIVING   !!!!!
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And no one thinks that the GOP is screwed because their  RUNAWAY Freight Train,  going Downhill,  has now Unbelievably  Picked-up-even-More-speed  as it heads toward it's inevitable  EXPLOSION  ??
Dude, get your act together.
Trump said abortion should be against the law and if so and people are still getting abortions, they should be prosecuted.
Why does law, in some 38 states, allow for a pregnant mother who is murdered and the child also dies, is a double homicide?
And this in itself is a legal admission of life and a living being inside the womb being protected by law....why hasn't this become an issue to define when life begins legally?
Looks to me like we have precedent......
Lib's will swoon.
At least 23 states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy ("any state of gestation," "conception," "fertilization" or "post-fertilization"); these are indicated below with an asterisk (*).
It's just another Chrissy Mathews "thrill up the leg". Gaffe SzarJoe Biden would have been proud. Nothing to see here.
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Hackman said:
It's just another Chrissy Mathews "thrill up the leg". Gaffe SzarJoe Biden would have been proud. Nothing to see here.
11/08/2016  is  REALLY  going to be  ' Something to SEE ' !
AND when it Happens,  YOU are going to be the  FIRST  denialist here on the cooler that I come looking for,  for 'Comment'!
Yup,  EVEN before  Town'Pump'  !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
11/08/2016  is  REALLY  going to be  ' Something to SEE ' !
AND when it Happens,  YOU are going to be the  FIRST  denialist here on the cooler that I come looking for,  for 'Comment'!
Yup,  EVEN before  Town'Pump'  !
Pick up your feet
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
11/08/2016  is  REALLY  going to be  ' Something to SEE ' !
AND when it Happens,  YOU are going to be the  FIRST  denialist here on the cooler that I come looking for,  for 'Comment'!
Yup,  EVEN before  Town'Pump'  !
Oh no, grampa Bears is comin after me. You really got me worried now gramps. Speaking of worried, and "something to see" do you think your girl, the Hildabeast is sleeping these days? Got any heart meds you could donate for the criminal?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
11/08/2016  is  REALLY  going to be  ' Something to SEE ' !
AND when it Happens,  YOU are going to be the  FIRST  denialist here on the cooler that I come looking for,  for 'Comment'!
Yup,  EVEN before  Town'Pump'  !
Bear, I hope you got good Cadillac bennies that cover GOP mental break down.
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delldude said:
Bear, I hope you got good Cadillac bennies that cover GOP mental break down.
dell,   it's ABOUT   F   TIME, that you came up with  GOOD Beat footage.  I much prefer Black Bear stuff, but this is appreciated.   I'm starting to worry that T-Rump won't get the '1237, but if not  CRUZ missle will be even easier to beat by 'HILL or Bernie !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
dell,   it's ABOUT   F   TIME, that you came up with  GOOD Beat footage.  I much prefer Black Bear stuff, but this is appreciated.   I'm starting to worry that T-Rump won't get the '1237, but if not  CRUZ missle will be even easier to beat by 'HILL or Bernie !
HC is coming unglued each day. Internal polling shows she's lacking blck, latino, youth votes that pushed Obama over the finish line, and Bernie is kicking her butt too.
But, of course, your side has to rig the election to ensure her an honest chance at 1600.
Just think, after her win, there will be an imminent impeachment over the horizon.
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delldude said:
HC is coming unglued each day. Internal polling shows she's lacking blck, latino, youth votes that pushed Obama over the finish line, and Bernie is kicking her butt too.
But, of course, your side has to rig the election to ensure her an honest chance at 1600.
Just think, after her win, there will be an imminent impeachment over the horizon.
Well dell, if it did go down that way (impeachment) then I hope she named Elizabeth Warren as VP, who would take over the 'top spot' should ' HILL have to go.  Your side better HOPE and PRAY that EW  wouldn't be in the big chair. She'd make Bernie seem like  Orrin Hatch  !