Guess Whos Getting My Vote

greasemonkey-seeking-nirvana said:
Bush gets my vote!

Kerry lives in a city that U dominates and his numbers should be well over $200,000.

Bush, however, has AF1 at his disposal and his numbers arn't too bad for someone who really doesn't need U for transportation.

Besides this site does not give any dates as to when this was recorded. This does not tell me anything other then Kerry should not avoid U in its most vulnerable times.
Kerry has a charted 757 from Trans Meridan.

Bush flies Air Force One and only has to reimburse the cost of a first class ticket.

“The official cost of Air Force One is $34,400 per flight hour.

“Add to that approximately $50 per gallon of fuel for any in-flight refueling. The aircraft has a fuel capacity of 53,611 gallons.

“So, if the flight was 30 hours long and the flight required two inflight refueling events (say needed 2/3 of system capacity for each refueling), then the flight cost $1,032,000 plus $3,574,067 for in-flight refueling for a total cost of $4,606,067.

So as you can see the true operating costs do not reflect what Bush reimburses.
so,let's see what happens if kerry is elected president....

kerry flies Air Force One and only has to reimburse the cost of a first class ticket.

“The official cost of Air Force One is $34,400 per flight hour.

“Add to that approximately $50 per gallon of fuel for any in-flight refueling. The aircraft has a fuel capacity of 53,611 gallons.

“So, if the flight was 30 hours long and the flight required two inflight refueling events (say needed 2/3 of system capacity for each refueling), then the flight cost $1,032,000 plus $3,574,067 for in-flight refueling for a total cost of $4,606,067.

So as you can see the true operating costs do not reflect what kerry reimburses.

wow... see what your thinking now!
The reimbursement is for non-government flights, if he makes an official visit then a campaign stop Bush does not have to reimburse anything, plus Air Force One has a crew of 26 and that does count the C141 and C5 that accompanies it.
Sun Aug 29 2004 23:36:31 ET

MTV, ROLLING STONE and the rock and roll establishment -- past and present -- have cast their vote, and their man is John Kerry.

So on Sunday night when John Kerry's daughters were announced to speak at the annual MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS, the MTV youth were expected to welcome his daughter's as pop culture princesses.

Instead, in an era of the unexpected, the daughters of the Democratic candidate were met with cheers -- AND JEERS -- during the live broadcast in Miami.

From the moment Alexandra and Vanessa started speaking, the boos outweighed anything close to cheers, and the reaction turned worse when the daughters asked the VIACOM youth to vote for their father. So shocked by the reaction, the taller of the two daughters tried to 'shhhhhh' her peers to no avail.

:shock: :( :eek: :huh: :unsure: :angry: :lol:
That is awesome! The Kerry camp took a chance on sending the girls out there and it didn't work out... although I have to say, I don't think the Bush girls are doing any better in overall public approval. It's just nice to see that the entire younger generation hasn't been so easily fooled into the Kerry nonsense.

Developing.... ;)
delldude said:
yeah i was set back a congrats to our youth for being involved and informed. :up:

First time I heard that the R's wanted the "MTV" crowd. Last I heard, they thought they represented the worst of "family values". Now they seem willing to embrace these "foster children". Brace yourselves when you tell them they can't go to Oz-fest this year.
First time I heard that the R's wanted the "MTV" crowd. Last I heard, they thought they represented the worst of "family values". Now they seem willing to embrace these "foster children".

Well, when a bunch of the MTV folks stand up at a JK rally and verbally spit on our president, and JK says "they embody what America stands for," I don't blame them. Daily these kids are pummeled with partisan politics of MTV and The Daily Show, and it's hard to get many of them to think for themselves anymore.

On the other hand, this has absolutely nothing to do with the thread. :eek:
I am still waiting for someone on here to claim that it was all the fault of the President and he was just trying to censor those opposed to him.