Happy 100th Federal Income Tax Day


Dec 12, 2011
The new tax applied only to those with very high incomes. There was a personal exemption of $3,000 for individuals (equivalent to $71,000 today) and $4,000 for married couples (about $94,500 today) but none for dependents. Additionally, all interest and state and local taxes were deductible. . . . It was estimated that only 425,000 people in a population of more than 97 million would owe any income tax.

It is important to remember that until World War II, the income tax was paid only by a very small number of people – fewer than four million people in a population of more than 130 million in 1939. By 1943, however, the number of taxpayers had increased more than 10-fold.

Today, the income tax of 1913 is still with us and is likely always to be despite quixotic efforts to abolish it. We will be wishing it many happy anniversaries to come.

Speaking of taxes....................and you idiots worry about a government shutdown !

[background=#ffffff]"Obamacare activists STRIP to their underwear in taxpayer-funded, PETA-style stunt to persuade young Coloradoans to 'get covered'"[/background]
"And U.S. taxpayers are footing the bill for the risque street performances through a federal government loan !"
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Given the hatred the GOP/Tea Party has for government in general, I would think they would be thrilled about this.
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Given the hatred the GOP/Tea Party has for government in general, I would think they would be thrilled about this.
I just love a president that levying the largest tax increase in American history on me. I just love a president that forces me to buy a product I don't want. i just love a president that uses the IRS to suppress my 1st amendment rights. I just love a president that sells arms to the enemy of a sovereign country and then uses executive privilege to cover his black ass. I just love a president that negotiates out of a government shutdown . . while traveling to Asia. I just love a president that places Jersey barriers around public property just to deny war veteran from visiting. I just love a president that listens to my phone calls, reads my e-mail and monitors my internet activity. I just love a president that hates that I own a gun to protect myself but has no problem cutting a babies head open and sucking out their brains. I just love a president that denies taxpayers from touring their White House. I just love a president that lies so much, every single day that he forgets what lie he told when and tells another lie to cover the previous lie. I love a president that arrest a youtube poster and blames them for the death of government offices. I just love a president that let's his phone roll over to voice mail when it rings at 3 am. I just love a president that keeps his golf course open but closes the Lincoln Memorial . . .

Yep, I just love that bastard . . .

Why is it again, that none of the wonderful Republican presidents we have had have repealed the Income Tax, or done away with the IRS, or shuttered the NSA, or eliminated the deficit, or stopped the gov't borrowing from people who hate us, or done any one thing to lessen our dependence on oil from people who hate us, or told Israel to pound sand, or ... Or.... Or....????



Low information voter would be a step up around here

Why is it again, that none of the wonderful Republican presidents we have had have repealed the Income Tax, or done away with the IRS, or shuttered the NSA, or eliminated the deficit, or stopped the gov't borrowing from people who hate us, or done any one thing to lessen our dependence on oil from people who hate us, or told Israel to pound sand, or ... Or.... Or....????



Low information voter would be a step up around here

Yep. Republicans had control over both houses and the WH for 4 years and nothing. No tax reform. No heath care reform. Nothing but .... well nothing.
Yep. Republicans had control over both houses and the WH for 4 years and nothing. No tax reform. No heath care reform. Nothing but .... well nothing.

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001

Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003

Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010


As we have argued in the past, Mr. Bush deserves high praise for significantly increasing American support for the global effort to control AIDS.
But there is little doubt that the president has played a key role in providing drug treatments or supportive care to millions of patients who would otherwise have gone untended.

Equally remarkable was Mr. Bush’s decision to push through a costly new prescription drug benefit under the Medicare program for older Americans despite stout opposition in his party to government-run health care. It was the largest expansion of Medicare in decades and it dragged the program, at long last, into the modern medical era, in which drugs are a cornerstone of treatment.

Another substantial health achievement came in the form of bricks and mortar, through the president’s vigorous support of community health clinics. As Kevin Sack reported in The Times last week, Mr. Bush has doubled direct federal financing for community health centers, enabling the expansion or creation of almost 1,300 clinics in areas short of other medical resources. For many residents of poor urban neighborhoods and isolated rural areas, this is the only source of care other than possibly a costly hospital emergency room.

Figure you'd be tripping all over yourself supporting a guy who did a lot for a disease known for 'pole smokers'.

Real prick, that GW Bush.....