Healthcare 'get out the vote'


Oct 29, 2002
Twenty senators are demanding an investigation into reports the Obama administration threatened to close Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska if that state's Democratic senator, Ben Nelson, didn't join other Democrats in voting for health-care reform.

The group of 20, all Republicans, today called for a hearing in a letter to Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., and the committee's top Republican Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

High crimes and misdemeanor's?

According to a Senate aide, the White House is now threatening to put Nebraska’s Offutt Air Force Base on the BRAC list if Nelson doesn’t fall into line.

Offutt Air Force Base employs some 10,000 military and federal employees in Southeastern Nebraska. As our source put it, this is a “naked effort by Rahm Emanuel and the White House to extort Nelson’s vote.â€￾ They are “threatening to close a base vital to national security for what?â€￾ asked the Senate staffer.


Offutt is an extremely vital base to US security.

These clowns know no bounds. :down:
Far be it for me to exclaim that the soon to be law about Healthcare, is "the best thing since sliced bread", because it's Not.

Having said that, lets examine some facts;

This new plan will (for the most part) Eliminate people being denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions.
(We ALL know that the insurance companys look the other way on this, when it suits them...(aka open enrollment)
When I think of how many people may still be alive over the nasty P E condition clause, it makes me very sad.

Also, the truth is that the Very same people who are Bashing our President over his trying to bring about positive change(a k a goodbye P E conditions) I think about how "they" have done Nothing, absolutely Nothing to get rid of P E conditions over many many years.

I don't think that the GOP is in any position to criticize !
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Oh please.

Another reliable article/source from WND.

Do you just jump on any bandwagon that passes by?

Your last statement is very accurate as to the substance of this thread.

Keep up on the suckle on the DNC teat.

Once again....what constitutes a 'reliable source'?


Wake up have no clue. :lol:
The majority of Americans don't want the bill—which is primarily a compulsory insurance bill – including the majority of physicians. More than 40 medical organizations are on the record against the bill, representing more than 500,000 doctors – far surpassing the AMA membership of only 17,000.
Oh please.

Another reliable article/source from WND.

Do you just jump on any bandwagon that passes by?

Your last statement is very accurate as to the substance of this thread.
Hey Einstein, would you like prove it as a false report? Did you even read it?
Are you saying that there was no: group of 20, all Republicans, today called for a hearing in a letter to Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., and the committee's top Republican Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

Are you saying that there was no such letter: Exhibit A?

Dont give up your day job counselor.
Far be it for me to exclaim that the soon to be law about Healthcare, is "the best thing since sliced bread", because it's Not.

Having said that, lets examine some facts;

This new plan will (for the most part) Eliminate people being denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions.
(We ALL know that the insurance companys look the other way on this, when it suits them...(aka open enrollment)
When I think of how many people may still be alive over the nasty P E condition clause, it makes me very sad.

Also, the truth is that the Very same people who are Bashing our President over his trying to bring about positive change(a k a goodbye P E conditions) I think about how "they" have done Nothing, absolutely Nothing to get rid of P E conditions over many many years.

I don't think that the GOP is in any position to criticize !

I've never understood why liberals think that entrusting their health care to government employees will result in more generous or compassionate treatment. Insurance companies have to compete, after all, while there is only one federal government. Now, the Independent Institute cites data from the American Medical Association's National Health Insurer Report Card that indicate Medicare denies claims at twice the rate of private insurance companies:

According to the American Medical Association's National Health Insurer Report Card for 2008, the government's health plan, Medicare, denied medical claims at nearly double the average for private insurers: Medicare denied 6.85% of claims. The highest private insurance denier was Aetna @ 6.8%, followed by Anthem Blue Cross @ 3.44, with an average denial rate of medical claims by private insurers of 3.88%

In its 2009 National Health Insurer Report Card, the AMA reports that Medicare denied only 4% of claims--a big improvement, but outpaced better still by the private insurers. The prior year's high private denier, Aetna, reduced denials to 1.81%--an astounding 75% improvement--with similar declines by all other private insurers, to average only 2.79%.
The majority of people in this country whether for or against the bill have no clue what is actually in the bill or what will happen.
The majority of people in this country whether for or against the bill have no clue what is actually in the bill or what will happen.
And that is large part of the outrage. Wheres the transparency? Wheres the (Obama's campaign promise) live CSPAN negotiations?

You think we should just be ok with what ever is decided for us by politicians, special interests, etc and be perfectly content with it? :blink:

No thanks :down:
Yea. That's what I was talking about. :blink:

Americans do not care about politics. They care about keeping up with the Jones's, anything sports related and what affects them in the short term. Politics and anything more than a week out is of little or no concern. They are willing to sacrifice their rights and freedoms if it does not affect them in the here and now. Never mind that they have just given up a right that they might need tomorrow. Buy that plasma today, don't worry about the rent due tomorrow. I paid bills with the tx rebate we got a few years ago. Most people blew it on crap they did not need.

Any you think they would actually read a bill if it was out there. They watch the news and catch the highlights between sports and weather. Like most people would actually understand a 1000 page bill.

We have exactly the government that we deserve.
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Yea. That's what I was talking about. :blink:

Americans do not care about politics. They care about keeping up with the Jones's, anything sports related and what affects them in the short term. Politics and anything more than a week out is of little or no concern. They are willing to sacrifice their rights and freedoms if it does not affect them in the here and now. Never mind that they have just given up a right that they might need tomorrow. Buy that plasma today, don't worry about the rent due tomorrow. I paid bills with the tx rebate we got a few years ago. Most people blew it on crap they did not need.

Any you think they would actually read a bill if it was out there. They watch the news and catch the highlights between sports and weather. Like most people would actually understand a 1000 page bill.

We have exactly the government that we deserve.

'Funny you mention catch the news' ain't on the Obama approved how you find out?
Yea. That's what I was talking about. :blink:

Americans do not care about politics. They care about keeping up with the Jones's, anything sports related and what affects them in the short term. Politics and anything more than a week out is of little or no concern. They are willing to sacrifice their rights and freedoms if it does not affect them in the here and now. Never mind that they have just given up a right that they might need tomorrow. Buy that plasma today, don't worry about the rent due tomorrow. I paid bills with the tx rebate we got a few years ago. Most people blew it on crap they did not need.

Any you think they would actually read a bill if it was out there. They watch the news and catch the highlights between sports and weather. Like most people would actually understand a 1000 page bill.

We have exactly the government that we deserve.

Speak for yourself and your own cynicism. You have already thrown in the towel it seems. Sucks to be in your world.
State Prosecutors Probing Constitutionality of Democrats’ Deal With Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska

COLUMBIA, South Carolina -- The top prosecutors in seven states are probing the constitutionality of a political deal that cut a funding break for Nebraska in order to pass a federal health care reform bill, South Carolina's attorney general said Tuesday.

Attorney General Henry McMaster said he and his counterparts in Alabama, Colorado, Michigan, North Dakota, Texas and Washington state — all Republicans — are jointly taking a look at the deal they've dubbed the "Nebraska compromise."