Hiden' Biden skips State of the Union address?....


Jul 23, 2003
Next week is March.

When's Biden going to deliver a State of the Union address, or do an address to a joint session of Congress?

That's always been done in either January or early February.... So far, no word on when it will happen.

How about a press conference? A press gaggle on the way to the helicopter?...

Aside from a scripted event in Milwaukee, Biden has been an invisible president.

And now, 25 DEMOCRATS want to take away the nuclear football?....


We all know the man has advanced dementia. Kamala will be giving the State of the Union next year.
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Recent public, non scripted events show some alarming signs. This is not good. Makes me think all these moves with EO's and policies being instituted at warp speed is being done for a reason.

One thing I noticed during the campaign and now almost all of the time is Biden seems to be squinting one hell of a lot. In the campaign, I noticed it off and on.....outside, possibly the sun, but then out of the sun and on days one shouldn't need to squint, now looks like its all the time. I wonder if he's on some type cognitive drug therapy to keep him 'together'.

This football issue, it stems from the 'Madman Trump' and the nuclear button, but suddenly a rather large group of dems are concerned, tells me they have inside info on the 'State of the Cranium'.

IMO, he's gone down hill since the campaign, but it's hard to get a fix on this as his handlers keep him, once again as in the campaign, out of the public eye as much as possible.
Is this the "well regulated militia" that the second amendment refers to?
Pretty much. But cant forget the idiotic qanon clowns who "say trump will be president march 4th as the 19th president" and that group is just as well a "well trained militia"