

Jun 19, 2003
You need to call and listen to Dave's latest diatrabe, he is very untruthful.

"We must stop fighting each other."

Ok, Dave then bring the airbus work in house and stop wasting time and money fighting us!
Of course seigal has never ever told the truth and the way things keep going we will never know what the truth is. To all of the mechanics, good luck in getting all of the airbus work in house! I may be a ramp agent for a mainline express city but I wish you all the best of luck in defeating the big beast of ccy!
lester said:
"We must stop fighting each other."
I love psychology and especially Dave's psyche! lol

He believes if ones doesn't see things HIS way then there is a problem. It never dawns on him that maybe he could be off base and plain in error. Like when he furloughed tons of people and made the comment, "well there is going to be a little heated emotions" WOW, is all can say. I absolutely believe he needs to move on so we can.
cavalier said:
lester said:
"We must stop fighting each other."
I love psychology and especially Dave's psyche! lol

He believes if ones doesn't see things HIS way then there is a problem. It never dawns on him that maybe he could be off base and plain in error. Like when he furloughed tons of people and made the comment, "well there is going to be a little heated emotions" WOW, is all can say. I absolutely believe he needs to move on so we can.
Amen, Brother!
It's called ARROGANCE.

This management will not back off the employees and stop bashing them daily in every department. At one time, I thought Dave wasn't aware that this goes on in all his departments. Now, I believe he and his union-"ball busters" are the master minds of inflicting terror on employees. They are making us sick, physically as well as emotionally.....(example: Chip).
Just for the record, it's Jones & Laughlin, not James & Laughlin Steel. If you're going to cite an example, please try to be accurate when utilizing your FUD tactics.

I've lost total respect for this guy, as a customer. Yes, I do care whether it's an RJ or mainline....actually, most customers do. Whatever, he will find out the hard way.
I just finished listening to Dave's weekly message too....and frankly I don't no if I should laugh or cry ??

(1) Dave was right about one thing..."We do not need to be fighting each other" Dave needs to take council of his own fears in this regard...and stop taking the advice of people like Jerry Glass.

The sooner U comes to terms with "The Fact" that our Airbus Fleet has to be worked in-house..and the work begins , the better off we shall all be. We are danger close to the peak Thanksgiving travel period...and planes are dropping from use rather quickly.

(2) Dave is also correct that we need to be fighting the competition...most directly WN in our PHL backyard. The external can be won...once the internal fight is ceased. I offer him the chance to make good on that as of now.

(3) Dave has some valid points about our work rules ....some work rules I do believe can be tweaked to offer greater efficiency and promote us as a competative force...however , I will not advocate a spirit of co-operation morphing into wage or anymore benefit decreases as long as U bleeds red...and our executive levels are compensated at levels three times that of profitable LCC's executives.

(4) I was interested to see that Dave has addressed some rumors circulating....however , I almost felt embarassed yet again on how he went on about his supposed vacation house in the carribean....frankly I could care less what Dave does with his money....my concerns begin and end with what he's attempting to do with yours and mine as a unified group.

(5) Does anyone else feel like they are on an enemies list these days???....I think Siegel has taken a page out of Nixons playbook...let Chip be the only one that exposes himself...unless you are in line with them in all respects....you just might be a subject of Daves weekly rumor control...or wrongfully targeted...Be carefull !!!.. Be aware !!!
"We must stop fighting each other"-I wonder if he really reads this board, maybe he pays someone to read it to him with all of his $$$ ,showing off pictures of his new mansion to on the brink of furlough F/A's while sitting in F/C on his way to STT. I know one thing he should rethink calling Leo Mullin "Dr. Evil." It is more like Dave=Dr. Evil and Johnny O.=Mini Me. Can somebody stop the bleeding?
I think most of us, except maybe Hawk & Chip have stopped fighting each other and joined together against one common enemy........Dave & Co. He maybe should come out of his office and walk the front lines....the place is in shambles and the morale.....well there is none!!!!!Dave has done a fine job as the "Ax Man" and now its time for him and his cronnies to take their money and run and get the BOD to bring someone in who wishes to try and run what is left of this airline!!!!!
The key word here is ADAPT. We can not let Southwest, AirTran, JetBlue, Ameica West beat us at our own east coast game.. We OWN this side of the Mississippi and we shouldn't hand it over to the likes of Air Trash on a silver plate because of internal bickering.
Wrong. The key word is resign. As in " I resign" uttered by Dave Siegel so that the "fighting among ourselves" does indeed stop. Then adapt will be appropriate. And we will. Because we (the employees, all employees) know the impotance of not just competing but beating WN and the LCC's. He caused the fighting. He continues to force the fighting. He is clueless about the importance of this workforce as his diatrabes focus on costs.

We will beat WN. There are ways to do it. Song is proving it as I type. What needs to be done first is a house cleaning starting with Siegel and proceeding through Baldenza, Glass and the rest of his clueless management group. Imagine what we could accomplish with a man like Bethune or Neeleman in charge. We have (or had until Siegel got here) the east coast wrapped up. These are our passengers. They will stay with us when we equal or surpass what WN and the other LCC's are doing. All we need is ethical leadership who understands the importance of the employees. Southwest has it. JetBlue has it. Continental has it. We don't. Let's band together and dump Siegel and Company. I am working hard at starting it as of last week. I hope the other unions sign on when they see it come to fruition.

Dave Lorenzo, Hawk, and Chip are our enemies any more. It is all about them. There will be no middle ground with them. Never!

--If you fight nice. You lose.
PITbull said:
It's called ARROGANCE.

This management will not back off the employees and stop bashing them daily in every department. At one time, I thought Dave wasn't aware that this goes on in all his departments. Now, I believe he and his union-"ball busters" are the master minds of inflicting terror on employees. They are making us sick, physically as well as emotionally.....(example: Chip).
They are making us sick, physically as well as emotionally.....(example: Chip).

Chip, Sometimes I find your info very intresting. But your opinions very tainted. It is not all about you. It never was and it is never going to be just about you.

Once again well spoken. Your words speak for many.

I am not a Chip basher but it is hard not to take a shot at him every now and then.
someone said song was doing it ..well metrojet was doing it the first few months of operations also.

U seem to have a lot of bad blood from the past so I really will not fault Seigel..
And with the mismanagement of the pass it will take some time to reverse it.