Iran is directly responsible for US Troop casualties

local 12 proud

Mar 5, 2004
Iran is not only thumbing its nose regarding UN sanctions, it is providing lethal weapons to the Iraqi insurgents which are costing American lives.

military officials told The Associated Press that the arsenal is one of the biggest found north of the Iraqi capital and contains components for so-called EFPs — explosively formed projectiles that fire a slug of molten metal that can penetrate armored vehicles.

The U.S. military has said elite Iranian corps are funneling EFPs to Shiite militias in Iraq for use against American troops. The area where the cache was found is dominated by Sunni insurgents but also includes pockets of Shiites.,2933,254600,00.html

American military operations for a major conventional war with Iran could be implemented any day. They extend far beyond targeting suspect WMD facilities and will enable President Bush to destroy Iran's military, political and economic infrastructure overnight using conventional weapons.

British military sources told the New Statesman, on condition of anonymity, that "the US military switched its whole focus to Iran" as soon as Saddam Hussein was kicked out of Baghdad. It continued this strategy, even though it had American infantry bogged down in fighting the insurgency in Iraq.
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Will be very interesting to hear what the left has to say about the latest mounting evidence that Iran is supporting/supplying the Insurgency in Iraq. <_<
The US army, navy, air force and marines have all prepared battle plans and spent four years building bases and training for "Operation Iranian Freedom". Admiral Fallon, the new head of US Central Command, has inherited computerised plans under the name TIRANNT (Theatre Iran Near Term).

Ooo-rah baby...
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You could hear a mouse peeing on a bale of cotton its got so quiet in here... :shock:
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Do you think it will be our global predators guiding Israeli bombs to their targets?

Yea I think it will be a combined effort, and if Iran does'nt want to face total and complete humiliation they would do well to stand down. :up:
Iran is not only thumbing its nose regarding UN sanctions, it is providing lethal weapons to the Iraqi insurgents which are costing American lives.,2933,254600,00.html
this would explain why the left is so fond of Iran...the more of our warriors those bastards murder, the more power the left gains. The really sad part is that it is not outside the realm of possibility to suggest that some on the left might even be contemplating taking direct action to ensure the death of American service men and women simply to enhance their own political goals, all with big medias complete and willing collaboration.
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this would explain why the left is so fond of Iran...the more of our warriors those bastards murder, the more power the left gains. The really sad part is that it is not outside the realm of possibility to suggest that some on the left might even be contemplating taking direct action to ensure the death of American service men and women simply to enhance their own political goals, all with big medias complete and willing collaboration.

Well statements like the one from that traitor Murtha should remove all doubt.

Absolutely deplorable

"They won't be able to continue. They won't be able to do the deployment. They won't have the equipment, they don't have the training and they won't be able to do the work. There's no question in my mind," the Pennsylvania Democrat said.