Is AMFA in Distress?


Jul 23, 2003
What's the story?

From another website:
We have no idea if Delle is dead, had triple by pass surgery or if he's living on his boat in the Bahamas'. But a simple fact remains, he is the official leader of the Association and therefore if he has in fact had surgery or died it is the duty of the AMFA leadership to inform the members either way. As of yet the AMFA leadership has refused to inform its members of anything.
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It's on AMFANuts.Com, so the source is a little suspect to begin with. The posts about this started on April Fools Day, so that's a little suspect as well, however I have yet to see anyone say it's just a rumor or sick joke.
We have no idea if Delle is dead, had triple by pass surgery or if he's living on his boat in the Bahamas'. But a simple fact remains, he is the official leader of the Association and therefore if he has in fact had surgery or died it is the duty of the AMFA leadership to inform the members either way. As of yet the AMFA leadership has refused to inform its members of anything.

Dell had heart bypass surgery. The Assistant National Director took charge and AMFA has informed the members about Dell's condition. The above poster is merely uninformed.

Why doesn't the above poster contact AMFA National first?
It's on AMFANuts.Com, so the source is a little suspect to begin with. The posts about this started on April Fools Day, so that's a little suspect as well, however I have yet to see anyone say it's just a rumor or sick joke.
Why would a member of management care? Why does a member of management read AMFAnuts anyway? Do you have any proof of this so-called boat?

FYI...He has been in the office on and off lately but is still recovering and taking it slow. Anyone can find this out by contacting the National. The iam and twu SCABs at AMFAnuts know that.
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Just concerned for his welle being.
Folks, let's keep this on topic. It's about AMFA, not about Former ModerAAtor.

Folks, let's keep this on topic. It's about AMFA, not about Former ModerAAtor.

well Richard, with all due respect Former ModerAAtor started this thread about "Is AMFA in Distress" and its only fair to question his sources.

Regards Local 12 Proud
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Dave, I get paid about double what you were being paid to monitor Plane Business. Thanks for your concern about my paycheck, though.

The AMFA faithful aren't questioning my sources, they're questioning my interest in this. How ironic, considering that the three of you will latch onto a baseless rumor whenever it suits your purposes...

If you bother to read my response to Bob above, you'll note that I questioned the validity of the rumor as well, even moreso because of the April Fools date than the website.

I just find it interesting that there's no mention of him having had surgery anywhere on the AMFA website, on the recorded hotline, or on any of the local's websites. When O'Brien was ill, that was made public rather quickly. So why the secrecy with O.V.'s illness?
Dave, I get paid about double what you were being paid to monitor Plane Business. Thanks for your concern about my paycheck, though.

The AMFA faithful aren't questioning my sources, they're questioning my interest in this. How ironic, considering that the three of you will latch onto a baseless rumor whenever it suits your purposes...

If you bother to read my response to Bob above, you'll note that I questioned the validity of the rumor as well, even moreso because of the April Fools date than the website.

I just find it interesting that there's no mention of him having had surgery anywhere on the AMFA website, on the recorded hotline, or on any of the local's websites. When O'Brien was ill, that was made public rather quickly. So why the secrecy with O.V.'s illness?

We are questioning your sources, if your reading the wasteland that is the 'Nuts IAM sponsered BB. We know AA has management lackeys that are paid obscene salaries to do nothing but read and record BB posts, and read newspapers for law infractions. Is that you FM?

AA has even attempted to bring in its hired attorney guns wasting more AA money dragging into court a certain webmaster years ago in search of the indentities of AMFA BB posters.

Your topic title "AMFA in distress?" sounds to me like you have made a judgement, like you always have when it comes to your hatred of AMFA and its members, nothing new.

I believe O'Brian must have pissed some AA management off, he was in and out of office in record time. Then the TWU used the "illness" excuse to put in AA's favorite management/union boy, Jimmy Do-little. With all the apparent new concessions and furloughs being hatched, AA had to have a good company "yes-man" like Little in the big TWU chair to sell it to the masses of TWU sheep.

Delles' surgery is old news, it was no secret. Happened some time ago. I surmise you might need some new sources of disinformation. ;)

BTW, AMFA is much bigger than one man.
We are questioning your sources, if your reading the wasteland that is the 'Nuts IAM sponsered BB. We know AA has management lackeys that are paid obscene salaries to do nothing but read and record BB posts, and read newspapers for law infractions. Is that you FM?

AA has even attempted to bring in its hired attorney guns wasting more AA money dragging into court a certain webmaster years ago in search of the indentities of AMFA BB posters.

Your topic title "AMFA in distress?" sounds to me like you have made a judgement, like you always have when it comes to your hatred of AMFA and its members, nothing new.

I believe O'Brian must have pissed some AA management off, he was in and out of office in record time. Then the TWU used the "illness" excuse to put in AA's favorite management/union boy, Jimmy Do-little. With all the apparent new concessions and furloughs being hatched, AA had to have a good company "yes-man" like Little in the big TWU chair to sell it to the masses of TWU sheep.

Delles' surgery is old news, it was no secret. Happened some time ago. I surmise you might need some new sources of disinformation. ;)

BTW, AMFA is much bigger than one man.

Apparently O'Brien was the buffer to get Little into the top spot. I dont think they ever had any intentions of having him as a long term President. You have to remember that with the International the pension formula is calculated on their "best" year. So O"Briens one year stint doubled the salary part of his pension fomula.