Is Bankrupcty a better option?

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On 12/2/2002 1:06:46 AM lstwhknight wrote:

You c Bob, it's like this, in the Continental case Lorenzo asked for concessions but the unions said no, so he asked the court to reject all the contracts. In TWA's case TWA and the unions came to an agreement just like what happened at US Air. So who got screwed more in those cases Bob? So u c Bob we can resist pay cuts like in Continental but who do u think is going win in Bankruptcy Court, even with the current law? I believe what the unions here are saying that it's better to take this crappy deal than the crappier deal in BK. Court.

You forgot the part where frank lorenzo brought in scab mechanics by the busload from across the country,and the IAM union was on strike for 2 years.
I think the goverment has changed the laws to prevent that from happening again.but then they can always farm it out overseas like frank did.Lorenzo sold everything cal had,leased everything had nothing left,the way cal survived was not paying debts and lowballing fairs,lowballing pay,robbing retirement funds.

You forget that the nation was in its most severe Depression since the 1930s with double digit unemployment and Continental was nowhere near the size of UAL. The system does not maintain enough capacity to just take on all of UALs work. It would take more time than UAL or the government could allow. Do you think that the employees would have been better off if they simply gave Lorenzo everything instead of making him fight for it? Do you really think that UAL will stop here? Look at USAIR.
On 12/2/2002 2:35:57 PM Bob Owens wrote:

How many times do you have to be told that the BK court does not craft a new deal? They either uphold or abrogate the contract.

How many times have they upheld an ILC? Get real. Do you somehow think abrogation of the contract would be a good thing?
On 12/2/2002 2:37:28 PM Bob Owens wrote:

The company said they wanted a certain number and they got it didnt they?

The company WANTED a MINIMUM of 9 billion over 6 years, they got 5.2 billion over 5.5 years. Get your facts straight.
On 12/2/2002 2:31:00 PM Bob Owens wrote:

Is six years short term?
Are you saying that the mechanics only shot at survival is to give the company everything they want?


EVERYTHING they want? You've got to be kidding me!! The union leadership got the best possible deal. IT'S FAR FROM EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT THE COMPANY WANTS!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/2/2002 2:23:00 PM Bob Owens wrote:
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/2/2002 12:21:46 PM UAL777flyer wrote: [BR][BR]My only agenda is the survival of my company and for it to prosper, so that myself and all my fellow employees can prosper along with it. [BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]Since when is working for less considered 'Prospering?[BR]
[P][/P]Is everything so black and white???[BR][BR]Its called short-term belt tightening to ensure long-term survival.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/2/2002 9:04:55 AM UAL777flyer wrote: [BR][BR]Folks, don't get too flustered with BobOwens viewpoint. He's an AA employee with his own agenda. He realizes that his employer will soon be traveling the same labor cost-cutting road that UA is presently on. [BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]Are you a mechanic? [BR][BR]<POST DELETED BY MODERATOR>[BR]
How many times do you have to be told that the BK court does not craft a new deal? They either uphold or abrogate the contract.
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