Is Us Airways prepared for the coming economic crisis ?


Feb 15, 2006
Have we at US Airways taken those steps necessary to ensure the continuation of our airline as the economy worsens around us …

While we have reduced our capacity and raised our rates , has our management team taken a good long look at our business partners and their rate of capitalization ? For instance , the vendors who provide our plastic cups , are they in good shape ? What about the companies that we contract out with from everything to ground work to fueling ? Will these companies that provide us service still be around if the credit crunch increases to historic proportions ?

While we don’t have to hustle to inspect our partners today , as the economic situation in this country worsens it WILL become necessary to probe our partners to ensure monies that we give them won’t be lost to BK or CH 7 .
The vendors are better run than this ship of fools.

They survived getting stiffed in multiple bankruptcies before.
We (LCC) have decided that we will depend on leisure customers. They will dry up like a puddle of water in the Sahara in any economic slowdown.

The question is, are YOU ready for an economic slowdown? Now is the time to prepare.
Your question is rhetorical. I would bet they have not prepared for anything. Historically they never do.

I bet the cup manufacturers are better run than this airline......

Freedom, if I were you I would be concerned--your asking this question has probably done more to prepare yourself than your management has for the whole company.
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Oh , trust me ART , i know what's coming , it's just i fear that people in the aviation industry tend to get too wrapped up in aviation issues and can't see the bigger picture ... i'm not talking just us airways here but all the major airlines ...
Oh , trust me ART , i know what's coming , it's just i fear that people in the aviation industry tend to get too wrapped up in aviation issues and can't see the bigger picture ... i'm not talking just us airways here but all the major airlines ...
Why do you try so hard to keep this company afloat? If management is wrong, let it sink, let it die. As Warren Buffet said, chapter 7 is the only thing that keeps management honest. If you let them think they can get away with murder, they will murder.

Right now, management is taunting you, daring you to take a stand, knowing people like you will back down, taking others with you. Time to get a spine, my friend.

US has the lowest compensated labor group in the industry, courtesy, people like you, yet still, they cannot lead in profit. Does that not tell you that they are morons when it comes to airline labor management?
Mesa will probably go under and take 30% of our flying with it. Not to worry fellow Americans, Obama is coming.
I'd say that Company management is more prepared than most of the employees. "What!??" you say...just take a look at some of the topics posted on the board (not sited word for word):

1. What was your favorite memory?
2. When were you happy?
3. The numerous - and I MEAN NUMEROUS postings refering to how things were
4. The inability to get over disagreements
5. The extra ordinary number of employees that apparently feel entitled.

etc, etc...

My point being these character traits are best suited for cartoon charachters, literally. Living in the past, harboring grudges, feeling special but not recognized are attributes of people who do not have a firm grasp of what is happening in the larger scheme of things - globally.

Success (defined as being able to stay alive) in the future will be defined by your ability to adapt to severe change. If the airline is to serve as any sort of barometer of how you will personally handle change, I'd say it doesn't look very good and therefore does not look very good for the company either. Though it should!

I can't remember any company working to remain as liquid as possible as this one is right now.

I have already stated in other threads that airline consolidation is a know that much now because it is in front of your nose, but you're not seeing the bigger picture that consolidation will carry forward to countries, money and how you think.

You don't believe me I know, but the consolidation of the world religions into a one world religion is now underway now, like everything else. thank Tony Blair...perhaps you can take his course at Yale this semester.

keep looking for your savior Obama or whomever else is supposed come in and save the day - it's a bait and switch game.

the company is preparing, but to use a cliche it is only as strong as its weakest links and therein lays part of the problem.
My point being these character traits are best suited for cartoon charachters

Success (defined as being able to stay alive) in the future

but you're not seeing the bigger picture that consolidation will carry forward to countries, money and how you think.

You don't believe me I know, but the consolidation of the world religions into a one world religion is now underway now, like everything else. thank Tony Blair...perhaps you can take his course at Yale this semester.

keep looking for your savior Obama or whomever else is supposed come in and save the day - it's a bait and switch game.

Release the Hounds of Hell on the Bluebird of Happiness.
Have we at US Airways taken those steps necessary to ensure the continuation of our airline as the economy worsens around us …

While we have reduced our capacity and raised our rates , has our management team taken a good long look at our business partners and their rate of capitalization ?

Our management team has not looked past lining their wallets with the millions they have taken that they do not deserve. They don't care if this airline continues because they're sitting pretty and won't be the ones losing their homes. If this airline goes out, they'll go get hired in the good old boys network of airline executives somewhere else and continue ruining other airline folks lives...

Bottom line: Doug will still be able to put gas in his Bentley.
Doug has a Bentley? Now that's just WRONG. Sorry to say I am glad he's not getting any more of MY money.

I thought he had a Bimmer...or did he upgrade after his last brush with the law?