Jane Allen quit or sent packing?

Personally, I want the choice to work as little as possible for the most amount of money. Which AA has. We, AA, also have the ability to fly the same trip with a normal 24+ hour layover if we choose. We have the best of both worlds. A very significant number of F/A's commute, so this fits into our daily lives better. More time at home and More money. If we need the "mini vacation" that is the 24-34 hour layover, they are there to pick up. I don't see the reason to layover in NRT for 48 hours. It just isn't necessary for EVERY trip. I know that UAL's are now 24 hours, just like ours. Fly, maybe you are better suited for Qantas which used to have 21 day trips with 2-4 day layovers. THAT is not for me and a lot of my co-workers here at AA. That is why bidsheets in ORD are an ongoing fight against the turn crowd and the 3 day trip group that commutes and wants ALL trips to S/I after 4pm and wants the trips to be worth atleast 17 hours and better yet around 20 per trip. No one will ever be happy at all times.
I'd personally rather drop any/all my trips when I feel like and keep my benefits (which is exactly what I do) All checkins after 3pm and all returns before 3pm (which is also what I do)....commuter.

So how does Jane Allen apply to this? She did nothing bad to the UAL f/a's. What did she do to the AA f/a's?
Speaking of Sara Fields, can someone tell me just exactly what a "Senior Vice President - Office of the Chairman" does?

In terms of Jane Allen, I think it's important to remember that in this day and age, it's rare that anyone would have anything positive to say about an officer of an airline, or any company for that matter. To a large extent, these folks make a lot of money, get stock options, etc. And they are perceived by most to be looking to screw the workforce at each and every turn. So it's not surprising to read less than flattering things about Jane Allen from people on this board. Those with common sense should take those comments with a large grain of salt and not necessarily as an accurate indictment on Ms. Allen's abilities.
My God. The woman left AA years ago. Why do people at AA still even bother to think or care about her?

We at UAL barely bother to.

The facts are that she was so awful we cant get her out of our minds. She sealed her fate with her actions of the 93 strike and went down hill from there. You all cant afford to NOT think about her......................
The facts are that she was so awful we cant get her out of our minds. She sealed her fate with her actions of the 93 strike and went down hill from there. You all cant afford to NOT think about her......................
What were those actions?
If she's well-respected, it shows you how much trouble United really is in.

My condolences.

I agree--I don't visit this board often, but as an HR professional I can ask, what does someone like her do to get that position? It shows your company knows nothing about the importance of legal compliance, human capital value issues, compensation, benefits, risk management, training, labor relations and development, etc.

That is SCARY!

Give me a break.

If she was such a lousy employee, why did AA keep her? Does that mean that AA knows nothing about the importance of things as you state? That's SCARY!!
I'm totally confused. What are you talking about?

I'm saying she is not an HR professional and that is really important.

What are you saying? I didn't hire anybody. I don't work for the airlines (although DH, unfortunately, is a pilot for an airline).

But the comments are directed towards her ability to head up the Flight Attendants. I haven't recently read her resume, so I have no idea what her qualifications are. I realize that she must have been a piece of work over at AA but here at UAL, she didn't really cause a big stir in inflight.

Unless you have first hand knowledge of what her credentials are in HR how can you say she isn't qualified for that job? Perhaps you do.
But the comments are directed towards her ability to head up the Flight Attendants. I haven't recently read her resume, so I have no idea what her qualifications are. I realize that she must have been a piece of work over at AA but here at UAL, she didn't really cause a big stir in inflight.

Unless you have first hand knowledge of what her credentials are in HR how can you say she isn't qualified for that job? Perhaps you do.

Typical. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: