Learning A Language All Over Again


Nov 30, 2009
With the current election cycle of Character Assassination of all people unapproved by the Liberal Progressive Elite Thought Police in full swing. I thought it might me helpful to offer a primer so that regulars folks who have a functioning brain that thinks freely might be able to follow along more easily as "Obamanese" becomes the dominant language of the MSM and the Liberal Progressive Elite. A quick review of Obama's speeches reveals his most common euphemisms seem to show a pattern of deception, obfuscation and misdirection. In President Obama's lexicon, words have different meanings; to decipher the message and understand what the President is saying requires a special Washington Dictionary. Here are some samples from President Obama’s special dictionary:

• Investment is the president's word for government spending. When he says we need to invest more, he really means he wants to increase spending on some special project. Obama knows that the word “investment” is reassuring to most Americans and implies that at some point in time a good investment will return a decent profit. But, no return is envisioned with Obama's "investments". In fact, to Obama all government spending is an investment.

• Millionaires and Billionaires – Obama often talks about the need to increase taxes on the millionaires and billionaires. Of course, what he really means is higher taxes on any family making more than $250,000. Obama’s math skills must be sufficient to understand that there is a huge mathematical difference between 250,000 and a billion, but he chooses to ignore the difference to better stoke class resentment, all while hoping that average Americans are too stupid to understand.

• Working People is invoked to demonstrate commitment to average Americans. Of course, what Obama really means is that he supports the primacy of unions over other American workers. According to Obama’s definition, the vast majority of Americans, including small business owners, are not working people at all, regardless of how many thousands of hours they work. In Obama’s dictionary, only union members are working people and deserving of special preferences and consideration.

• Spending Reductions in the Tax Code means more tax increases. President Obama likes to wear the mantle of spending cuts, but lacks the courage to call a tax increase what it really is.

• Paying Their Fair Share is the president's phrase for wealth redistribution. What Obama really means is that entrepreneurs and other successful business owners are not paying high enough taxes, and that all of the money they earn should be "contributed" to the government for wealth redistribution to those that Obama considers worthy. Of course, Obama’s supporters, the bulk of whom do not seem to pay income tax, are, according to this definition, already paying a fair amount of tax (zero). It is the rest of America that is not paying their “fair share”. Obama offers no criteria to what is fair or not, so that is why he seems to think it is perfectly acceptable to require 20% of American to pay 78% of the taxes and then criticize them for not paying their "fair share".

• Green Jobs and Green Economy these are the jobs that President Obama believes are more important and more valuable than any others, even if creating a "green job" that pays $40,000 actually costs the taxpayers $300,000 to create. Moreover, if creating one magical "green job" results in the loss of 10 or more jobs that were dependent upon cheap, reliable power, that too is of no consequence. A green job has magical properties that do not conform to economic principles.

• Unprecedented. Perhaps Obama's favorite word, which he uses to describe most of his actions. This word has no meaning to Obama, but reflects his belief that he is so special that everything he does or says must be admired. Obama is so, fundamentally, unaware of American history that he thinks that the challenges and issues that he faces are unique. (Move over George Washington!)

Unfortunately, our President seems unaware that the dangers of repeated, euphemistic bastardization of the English language erodes his credibility. Increasingly, Americans know they cannot trust what Obama says.

Here is an example of how to speak Obamanese and a translation presented as an example of the above:
"In response to an unprecedented challenge we must provide more aid to working people by increasing investments in green jobs. We will implement savings in the tax code that will only impact millionaires and billionaires who are not currently paying their fair share".

The translation from Obamanese to English.:

My policies have failed. The stimulus was a disaster, and the country is broke. We need more money to keep the Unions, and my special constituents who pay very little or no taxes, happy, so I need everyone else to pay more, otherwise I won't get re-elected.

Americans have a reputation for being straightforward and for plain speaking and are only slowly becoming aware of the vague, expansive, and misleading words in President Obama's unique dictionary. Our Founding Fathers said: "we hold these truths to be self-evident". With Obama, none of his words are self-evident.
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And you have just been waiting for someone else to write it so you could plagiarize it.

Yeah pretty much. I notice neither you nor Dog said the article was wrong, just another personal attack, no matter how mild. Stick around I'm about to lift something from the Huffington Post so that way at least I'm "Fair & Balanced"

BTW it was NOT a complete cut and paste, I add me own stuff in as well. One of the reasons I don't always cite stuff is the source is often dismissed which is kind of sad since I read the Huffington Post just as much as Newsmax which is often to Neo-Con Fascist Conservative for my tastes.
Lets go for some republicaniese.

Investment. Don't invest in the people or infrastructure. Invest in corporations who kill US marines through shoddy workmanship. Give subsidies to corporations who are making record profits. Invest in military hardware that does not work.

Millions and Billions. Make sure that they get larger tax breaks while shifting the burden of taxes to the middle class. Need to make sure that the CEO's get their multimillion dollar pay checks for taking the jobs over seas.

Working people. What working people?

Spending reductions? We are just going to cut spending on the stuff we don't like. Don't even ask about defense cuts, that store ain't open.

Fair Share. Come on. We already addressed that. Warren Buffet needs to pay less taxes than his secretary so he can .... OH I don't know, he just needs to. It's not like a company makes $12 billion and profits and gets a tax refund... that would never ... OK. Just once.

Green Are you serious? The environment does not matter. Cars don't pollute and oil will last for ever. Don't worry about safety inspections. Oil companies will do what ever it takes to safe guard the environment.
While we are at it.

Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness - You can only do this is your definition of it happens to correspond with theirs. The party of the white male. They know whats best for you. They have no problem telling women what they may do with their body. They do not care if women will have to resort to back alley doctors or worse to stop an unwanted pregnancy. You should not have got knocked up in the first place. I know you did not have access to birth control or sex ed in school but that is not our problem. Deal with it.

We also know who you can marry and who you cannot. We don't care that it is in violation of the COTUS, we have it from a higher authority that you are wrong.

We are going to put our god every where. It will be in the courts, schools, government. It will be like Shari law just different. Sorry if you are one of those who believes different than we do. We are the majority and you will just have to deal with it. Our god id the only real god. We know everyone else says that too but they are wrong. Trust us. We know what's best for you. The world is only 6,000 years old. No premarital sex (I know some of have but you can't). You must only love the opposite sex. If you don't your a deviant. We love you but you are a sick twisted piece of crap ... but we love you. You can only marry the opposite sex because if you married the same sex, you will degrade our marriages. The 50% divorce rate has nothing to do with our marriages though. That's the work of the devil or commies, Muslims, gays or who ever else we can blame. They are also to blame for high teen birth rates, murder, aids and anything else we can think of.

Yes the party of the while male property owner. Always late to the party. Not the first to have a woman in the Cabinet. Not the first to elect a black to Congress, not the first to have a women Sec State, black Cabinet member, Hispanic cabinet member ... yep. We are always last to the party but we love you anyways. If you have money, come on over, if not ... sucks to be you.
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Communist Countries Pay Less Taxes Than Obama Proposes
Friday, 01 Jul 2011 09:58 AM
By Wayne Allyn Root

Lesson No. 4 is found in ex-communist countries around the world. Let's contrast their tax rates with Obama's stated goals in America:

Russia 13 percent Flat Tax
Bulgaria 10 percent Flat Tax
Georgia 15 percent Flat Tax
Romania 16 percent Flat Tax
Czech Republic 15 percent Flat Tax
Albania 10 percent Flat Tax
Kazakhstan 10 percent Flat Tax

So, is Obama smarter than a communist? Ask yourself what lessons those countries learned from socialism that turned them into Reagan-style capitalists.

While Greece and many other high-tax, mixed economies in Europe are floundering, examine how the low tax model is performing around the world. Hong Kong, with its 16 percent flat tax and no capital gains tax, has 3.5 percent unemployment. Their economy is booming. Singapore has a tax of 3 percent to 20 percent, with unemployment at a remarkable 1.9 percent. Their economy is booming. Monaco and Cayman Islands both have income tax rates of 0 percent. Business has never been better.

Greece’s unemployment rate is double digits. High taxes kill, not create jobs.

Entire Article Here

Poster Comments and Observations. I almost posted the whole blessed article as it really hit home with me. As Communist governments around the world continue their sharp rhetoric they have quietly converted large chunks of their economy to a far more Capitalist approach. In effect what we have now are totalitarian dictatorships in many cases proclaiming to be Communist/Socialist while in fact they are far from it, WHY? One reason is a well fed and economically growing country means the Strongman at the top maintains power longer and has access to a larger pool of graft & corruption at his disposal.

The greater message however is this. The types of programs advocated by the Empty Suit have been shown to be failures in other countries in virtually every stage of development. From Russia to Cuba to third world enclaves like Albania and Bulgaria the policies of Obama have been tested and demonstrated not to work
Some people hang out at the Water Cooler to chat, gossip, poke fun, and generally entertain themselves and each other.

Some people print out pages off the internet and pass them out.
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You are beocming a Dapose clone, laughed at, soon to be ignored.

Actually I've felt that way since I registered to vote in 1972. so in answer to your question, NO I'm not anyone's clone. The hypocrisy of both parties is well documented. However the Left does a much better job with Class Warfare and Demonizing of anyone who dare question them, while our friends on the Right tend to focus on Union bashing even though large chunks of the lifestyle they enjoy is the result of Unions.
Are you saying the attack by Rove on McCain in 2000 was a public service? Slandering Kerry about his service in Viet Nam while his boy was guarding IN was not a smear? The republicans are the ones doing the class warfare by surgically attaching their lips to the collective business ass. How about Bush and his "you're either with us, or against us".

I love how you always say 'both are bad BUT...' and then go on to say how your party is better. Give it up already. Your teams chit smells just as bad as everyone else.

Anything that can be done for business to be able to extract more wealth at the expense of the public good will be done by the republicans. Then there is the constant attacks on women's rights. Never mind that the SCOTUS said abortion is a legal right afforded by the COTUS under the 14th. The republicans continue to assault women's health by attacking Planed Parenthood and other such organizations. Theses are the few places that women can get prenatal care, blood tests, pap-smears and the like. Abortions account for about 3% of their procedures.
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Are you saying the attack by Rove on McCain in 2000 was a public service? Slandering Kerry about his service in Viet Nam while his boy was guarding IN was not a smear? The republicans are the ones doing the class warfare by surgically attaching their lips to the collective business ass. How about Bush and his "you're either with us, or against us".

I love how you always say 'both are bad BUT...' and then go on to say how your party is better. Give it up already. Your teams chit smells just as bad as everyone else.

Anything that can be done for business to be able to extract more wealth at the expense of the public good will be done by the republicans. Then there is the constant attacks on women's rights. Never mind that the SCOTUS said abortion is a legal right afforded by the COTUS under the 14th. The republicans continue to assault women's health by attacking Planed Parenthood and other such organizations. Theses are the few places that women can get prenatal care, blood tests, pap-smears and the like. Abortions account for about 3% of their procedures.

Planned Parenthood funding is not an appropriate roll for the feds. Further taking religion out of the picture, Planned Parenthood encourages people to have surgery that is purely elective. (Abortion). Would you have us fund an organization that promote Tit Jobs? All of those services are available through a family doctor.

How Do I Get a Free or Low-Cost Pap Test?

Free or low-cost Pap tests and mammograms are available to eligible women through programs funded by the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. These programs and others that offer free or low-cost Pap tests and mammograms are available throughout the country.

To find out if you are eligible and to find locations that offer free or low-cost Pap tests and mammograms, call your state or local health department.

You can also call the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service: 1-800-4-CANCER.

Building wealth is GOOD. Hey it's not my fault that you're not Bill Gates anymore than it's your fault I'm not Bill Gates. Assuming normal intellect we as citizens are supposed to be provided with a clear playing field upon which to seek our fortune if we so desire. That's the promise of America. What Freedom and Liberty guarantee us is Opportunity! Nothing more.

Life is about the choices that individual responsibility places upon us and it's not the role of the Federal Government to interfere with our individual Liberty as it's conferred upon us by no less than our creator. If you decide to have 2 kids then you'd better start working that 2nd job so you can pay for them. Buy 2 Hyundai's instead of one Audi A-6 and instead of keeping them 4 years best plan on 7 or 8. No Pell Grants or student loans designed to make kids slaves to the tyranny of Government run amok. You made them, you pay for them. That's what Freedom is. It's not about because I got up off my dead ass and sold 2.6 million worth of copiers and earned $300,000 in commissions that I am now viewed as wealthy and should be taxed at a higher rate than you because you decided to twist wrenches at Puddle Duck Airlines for $75,000. Why should the fruits of my labors be confiscated to pay for your kids education?

As to Rove, I never paid attention to him then or now, he's a pompous East Coast Republican Elitist windbag. As to John Kerry I never paid any attention to that whole swift boat thing. If you're stupid enough to buy that line of shite then maybe you're not mentally competent to vote.
I think it is in the people interest to have PP and other organizations. People are going to continue to have sex. People are going to continue to produce children. A large number of them accidental and unwanted. We have one of the highest teen birth rates in the world (over 50 per 1000 last time I researched it). These kids lives are turned upside down because of the pregnancy. They dis not have sex ed and more than likely did not have easy access to birth control. The burden that they and their children cause on society is quite high. Look at the people who are on food stamps and welfare. Look at where the kids came from who are in foster care. Republicans want to control a woman's body and they have done nothing to help prevent the problem in the first place. Their only answer to to cut off funding to an organization. Like I said, they offer far more than just pap smears, mammograms and abortions.

You should pay for other kids education because we as a society all benefit from an educated populace. Those kids go on to be surgeons, police, nurses, scientist, teachers and the like. I have no children and I have no problem paying for schools. I wish we got more for I money but the idea that not having kids means you do not benefit from them is ludicrous.

So you are saying that you don't pay attention to Rove or the Kerry issue but you do know that there are attack/smear campaigns. Since you know they exist you do pay attention to them. You are the one who said that the left smears better than the right. I bring up prime examples of the right feeding on one of their own who is a war hero and an opponent who is also a war hero and you all of a sudden don't pay attention to them.

Do you want to have a competency test to vote? I want to go to Mars. Who cares? They do listen to the attack adds (that's why they are out there because they are effective) so it is an issue.