Learning A Language All Over Again

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I think it is in the people interest to have PP and other organizations. People are going to continue to have sex. People are going to continue to produce children. A large number of them accidental and unwanted. We have one of the highest teen birth rates in the world (over 50 per 1000 last time I researched it). These kids lives are turned upside down because of the pregnancy. They dis not have sex ed and more than likely did not have easy access to birth control. The burden that they and their children cause on society is quite high. Look at the people who are on food stamps and welfare. Look at where the kids came from who are in foster care. Republicans want to control a woman's body and they have done nothing to help prevent the problem in the first place. Their only answer to to cut off funding to an organization. Like I said, they offer far more than just pap smears, mammograms and abortions.

Awww their lives are turned upside down! TFB, keep your legs closed. My Mom had me when she was 16! So What does Suzzi Slut Puppy want, a cookie? Again this is what Freedom & Liberty is. My Mom went back to work 6 weeks later and I was raised by my Grandparents. At 13 when my Dad passed I went to work, I had no choice. Again, So What? Life dealt me a weak hand of cards starting out. Luck changes the sun don't shine on the same dog's ass every day. I went on to become an award winning Sales Rep for a little company called Xerox. Welfare and the like takes away the desire to change your lot in life. Fear is a powerful motivator & kept me working my rear off most of my life. NOW, I sit here totaling up how much I paid in Income tax plotting a way to get every dime of it back through direct benefits. Obama created me, now he's stuck with me. I adapt quick. just have to figure out how to hide my income in order to qualify for housing assistance, food stamps etc etc. Since the empty suit got elected, I've been figuring out how to get my money back. I earned it! It's Mine!

I wouldn't know what the Republicans want as I am not one. I am on a personal level Pro-Life. I also believe with equal fervor that it's nobody's business. It's between the woman and the God of her choosing. Not the role of the Federal Government to prevent Stupidity. The creator gives us certain unalienable rights and to my mind one of them is the right to ruin your life ans it goes hand in hand with individual Freedom & Liberty comes responsibility.

You should pay for other kids education because we as a society all benefit from an educated populace. Those kids go on to be surgeons, police, nurses, scientist, teachers and the like. I have no children and I have no problem paying for schools. I wish we got more for I money but the idea that not having kids means you do not benefit from them is ludicrous.

Once they are 18 they are no longer children. We don't send children to war, we send adults. So if Pot Head Billy wants to go to college then Daddy Dickhead can pony up the dough. I personally don't care if mommy turns tricks to pay for his education, the little twit is not my responsibility once he turns 18, that's one of the reasons we teach or fund education of our soldiers, which is an appropriate use of Federal Tax dollars. Far more appropriate than using our military as the worlds police force.

So you are saying that you don't pay attention to Rove or the Kerry issue but you do know that there are attack/smear campaigns. Since you know they exist you do pay attention to them. You are the one who said that the left smears better than the right. I bring up prime examples of the right feeding on one of their own who is a war hero and an opponent who is also a war hero and you all of a sudden don't pay attention to them.

Sorry but I don't even know how to spell Rove's first name! Is it with a "K" or a "C"? I've frankly dismissed him out of hand as a stooge for the East Coast Republican Establishment. I don't think Kerry compares favorably to McCain service record wise or otherwise. In fact I'm not really a big fan of either one of them except that they deserve a certain level of respect for serving their country

Do you want to have a competency test to vote? I want to go to Mars. Who cares? They do listen to the attack adds (that's why they are out there because they are effective) so it is an issue.

No it was a rhetorical comment.