Lengthy US/AM West IT Article


Dec 20, 2002
Last year, when America West Airlines merged with US Airways, the new company and all its planes took on the US Airways name. But it's America West that dominates the merged company--from its low-cost business model to the people in its executive suite to its IT strategy, which largely shuns outsourcing. And make no mistake, IT strategy will play a vital role in this first-of-its-kind attempt to meld the operations of a dying legacy carrier like US Airways onto the low-cost approach that Southwest Airlines pioneered and America West copied. With other legacy carriers in bankruptcy or losing money, more airline deals could be in the offing, so this merger's fate may be a bellwether for the industry.

USAir - AMwest IT
You lost most everyone on 'lenghty article'.

You should have mentioned the highly suggestive picture of Scott Kirby on page 2.

"Is that an airplane you are holding or are you just happy to see me?"