LGA mechanics get jobs back

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Feb 9, 2003
Just heard that the mechanics who allegedly were caught sleeping on the job will be coming back to work.
I guess the company didnt want to air out what really goes on after the work is done. For all the critics out there who dont have a clue about the night shift and aircraft maintenance.
I guess its business as usual.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :p

Glad to have the guys back congrats and keep up the good work
These sleepers were probably some of the biggest offenders, so they won't be sleeping again anytime soon.

The rest has received warnings, so right now they're all wide awake.

The company can ill afford another PR mess, as the US government proceeds with ongoing aviation safety investigations.

So it's agood move all around.
Fireman work 24 hours shifts.

They work 8 hour (or 12hour) shifts like everyone else and they shift swap in order to get 24hr shifts.

Technically they arent supposed to sleep on the clock either.

I said these guys would likely be back. I heard that 40 guys showed up to testify and the company cut a deal rather than have everything put to paper.

Nobody is saying the guys have a right to sleep on the job but its also unreasonable to make people work night shift 5 days a week for years on end. Its unnatural, unhealthy and has many negative effects on human beings. Will cracking down make them more productive or more miserable? No. So whats the point?

If the company wants to "work to rule", fine, but it goes both ways. And when mechanics work to rule the company usually runs to court.
Aircraft maintenance,,the only job in the world that you can have and get paid to sleep.



This ...most likely will "sail WAY over you're head", but lets give it a shot anyway.

The reason those men got there jobs back wether they went all the way through with the arbitration case or not...is...PAST PRACTICE !

Meaning that scores of AMT's would have truthfully testified that ,
1. Management knew all along that there was sleeping going on,

2. Management(for a Loooong time) did NOT enforce the "no sleeping" rule

3. which means that management ENABLED it, and therefore CONDONED it

4. Which as I'm sure YOU must have figured out by now = PAST PRACTICE.

I knew of one of AA's most famous arbitrations(BOSTON Air Freight/1987), where retired SUPERVISORS came in to testify for the Fired Men as to Boston Managements condoned "Past Practices" at Bos air freight.

This case was over the alleged "theft of time"

The company LOST that one BIG TIME !!!!

swdriver,..what do you make/think of "those Apples" ????????????????
Aircraft maintenance,,the only job in the world that you can have and get paid to sleep.

I don't think anyone here is saying it's alright to sleep on the job, driver!

What you continually fail to understand is that AA local management at these stations where people have been caught sleeping HAVE ALLOWED SLEEPING ON THE JOB FOR THE PAST 40 YEARS! And all of a sudden, because of, in my opinion, the union is finally trying to get out of bed with the company and not being force fed unacceptable rape filled contracts, are deciding to crack down on past practices..
In the case of recent JFK "fired for sleeping" cases, an ARBITRATOR riled that the mechanics were wrongfully fired.
Aircraft maintenance,,the only job in the world that you can have and get paid to sleep.

Glad everyone got their jobs back. Non AMTs will never understand any part of our job.

As for screw-loose-driver I would hope that most people here realize he/she is a troll on this board, and does not work in the industry, so anything he/she may say in irrelevant.
Glad everyone got their jobs back. Non AMTs will never understand any part of our job.

As for screw-loose-driver I would hope that most people here realize he/she is a troll on this board, and does not work in the industry, so anything he/she may say in irrelevant.
I am not sure how you can be so sure anyone does, or does not work in the industry. Just because they do or do not, no one's opinion should be irrelevant, if they are adding to the legitimate substance of the tread.
They work 8 hour (or 12hour) shifts like everyone else and they shift swap in order to get 24hr shifts.

Technically they arent supposed to sleep on the clock either.

Maybe where you live - but not where I live. Firefighters in LA are assigned 24 hour shifts. Just like on Emergency. They work 24 on, 72 off, and they are contractually permitted to sleep when they can.
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