Midatlantic F/a Questions

DCAflyer said:
Pitbull, can you clarify what the starting pay is for a mainline furloughed flight attendant would be at MAA? I recall you saying at some point in the past that it has been raised to close to $18/flight hour, rather than the $12 in the AE contract.


For those starting March 1, the pay rate at their mainline seniority for longevity purposes is $17.67 That rate is the 1-4 year mainline furloughed f/a. Which the March class is.
PineyBob said:
Your idea only works if the wage is decent enough to put away in a 401K. Don't forget folks have to live on a wage. On MAA, there is only enough for bare survival. A 401K would be a luxury expenditure for an MAA f/a.
How can you say that? do you know every F/A's personal financial position? People do different jobs for different reasons. If I evaluated my job solely on W-2 earnings, I'd quit and go back on the street and sell.

I'm doing what I thoroughly enjoy and I earn enough to live like I want. I fully fund my 401k in part because my employer will match up to about $2,000! [/QUOTE]


This is NOT about you. I know the issues intimately. The match is 6c on a dollar.
One would have to conclude that PITbull may be closer to the issue of needs of Flight Attendants.