' Middle Class Economics ' . . . . . . . . Prez. Obama's S O T U . address.

Aug 20, 2002
The RE - PLUB - BLICANS control the U S House.
The RE - PLUB - BLICANS control the Senate.
And The  " BOSS "  . . . . . . . . CONTROLS  the SHOW  !!!!!!!!!!!!
Far from being my favorite POTUS (No FDR-JFK-WJC is he)..B O 'knocked it out of the park' with  last nites  S O T U address, DARING the GOP to cross the many 'lines in the sand' that he laid out, as he masterfully began to 'set the stage' for HILLARY, leading up to the 2016 POTUS election, exactly 2 years from today  !
Looking at the woefull looks on the vast majority of the 'kissers' of the REPUGS in the audience last night, one could never tell, that those Asss Holes were in the majority.   THEN came Pig Farmer,..Joni Ernst (R) IA. (Yes, Joni IS an honest-to-goodness Pig Farmer), delivering the GOP response to the "Boss's" S O T U  address.  I actually felt sorry for the poor woman, who looked frozen with fear with the most God Awful contrieved SMILE that I've ever seen  !!!!!  (True, it's a thankless job delivering the 'response' whether you're a ' D '  or an  ' R ' )
Seriously. I need to get the Vegas Odds on a REPLUG occupying  '1600 in the next  " 1 0 " years, 'cause I could stand to make a HUGE..    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$  'killing'  !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
The RE - PLUB - BLICANS control the U S House.
The RE - PLUB - BLICANS control the Senate.
And The  " BOSS "  . . . . . . . . CONTROLS  the SHOW  !!!!!!!!!!!!
Far from being my favorite POTUS (No FDR-JFK-WJC is he)..B O 'knocked it out of the park' with  last nites  S O T U address, DARING the GOP to cross the many 'lines in the sand' that he laid out, as he masterfully began to 'set the stage' for HILLARY, leading up to the 2016 POTUS election, exactly 2 years from today  !
Looking at the woefull looks on the vast majority of the 'kissers' of the REPUGS in the audience last night, one could never tell, that those Asss Holes were in the majority.   THEN came Pig Farmer,..Joni Ernst (R) IA. (Yes, Joni IS an honest-to-goodness Pig Farmer), delivering the GOP response to the "Boss's" S O T U  address.  I actually felt sorry for the poor woman, who looked frozen with fear with the most God Awful contrieved SMILE that I've ever seen  !!!!!  (True, it's a thankless job delivering the 'response' whether you're a ' D '  or an  ' R ' )
Seriously. I need to get the Vegas Odds on a REPLUG occupying  '1600 in the next  " 1 0 " years, 'cause I could stand to make a HUGE..    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$  'killing'  !
The BOSS ain't getting everything he wants anymore. Did you forget the American people handed control of the Congress to the GOP in November? That was a vote against his policies as well as himself.
This is the same president who told the nation and the world that we need to ENGAGE or advisories several years ago?
Would you call ISIS and Al-Quaida adversaries? How many human beings need to be de-capitated on video?
You were probably one of the critic who whined that it was GW Bush's fault that the world hated the US. That once he left office the world would be a great big group hug garden of eden. Has that happened under Obama's watch?
Have you looked at the deterioration of US- World relations under Obama? Once again we have Russia threatening us and militarily aligning themselves with Iran. 
But hey Obama's the best president in your book. maybe Sarah Palin will do him too!
Notice him crowing about global warming and 2014 was the hottest year on record?
Obviously the stooge who wrote the speech isn't aware that NASA kinda sorta didn't tell the whole truth on that and issued a retraction.....just two days ago......LOL
delldude said:
Notice him crowing about global warming and 2014 was the hottest year on record?
Obviously the stooge who wrote the speech isn't aware that NASA kinda sorta didn't tell the whole truth on that and issued a retraction.....just two days ago......LOL
Lame Ducks don't care.
The AP actually fact checked the SOTU... and called BS on a number of his claims.



—"At this moment - with a growing economy, shrinking deficits, bustling industry and booming energy production - we have risen from recession freer to write our own future than any other nation on Earth."

THE FACTS: By many measures, the economy is still recovering from the deep scars left by the Great Recession.

OBAMA: "I am sending this Congress a bold new plan to lower the cost of community college — to zero."

THE FACTS: Zero for qualifying students; an estimated $60 billion over 10 years to the treasury.

OBAMA: "We've set aside more public lands and waters than any administration in history."

THE FACTS: Waters is the key word here. Before expanding the Pacific Remote Islands National Monument last year from almost 87,000 square miles to more than 490,000 square miles, Obama had protected far fewer acres than his four predecessors, including President George W. Bush.

OBAMA: "Thanks to a growing economy, the recovery is touching more and more lives. Wages are finally starting to rise again. We know that more small-business owners plan to raise their employees' pay than at any time since 2007."

THE FACTS: A survey of small businesses by the National Federation of Independent Business does show that a rising proportion plans to raise wages. But plans to raise pay aren't the same as actually raising them.
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Dog Wonder said:
The Republicans have painted themselves into a corner.
You ARE 'DEAD-ON' Correct..'Dog,  my dear friend.
If the GOP thinks they'll EVER occupy '1600...........by floating up the likes of a MITT x2(loser), or a yay hoo like Mike Huckleberry, 'tons-of-fun' Chris Christy, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, or even JEB, then I present to you, a political party ..ON  CRACK   !!!!!!!!!
Last night...Joni Ernst (R-IA) had me pissin' in my drawers, as she offered up to America.............." The  N E W..Republican party !  NEW in what way  ?   How does she / they propose to raise the incomes of americans who have NOT had a raise in dam near a decade ?  By reducing taxes on  MITT's friends so thier bottom line goes further up into the Stratosphere  ????????   Raising wages for other than MITT's friends equates to a 'middle class' of Americans.
" N E W S..............F L A S H ",............the GOP does NOT believe in, or want a Middle Class, so.....' W-T-F '  ?
Those conservative douche-bags have NOT produced a person capable of winning since B O took office.
The ONLY one they did have, they desecrated the guy (Jon Huntsman) who COULD pull-it-off, and he's a morman to boot (clean living guy, NO scandals etc)
Oh, wait a minute 'Dog.
I forgot.
My Bad.
I Forgot that those White 'Rhodes Scholars' living in places like Alabama/Mississippi/South Carolina etc, ...DON'T(just for starters) LIKE MORMANS !!  Christ, they had to be hog-tied and DRAGGED to the polls to vote for MITT, in the FINAL !
Quoting the HERITAGE Foundation ?
Jesus man, I KNOW you're Smarter than that  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
You ARE 'DEAD-ON' Correct..'Dog,  my dear friend.
If the GOP thinks they'll EVER occupy '1600...........by floating up the likes of a MITT x2(loser), or a yay hoo like Mike Huckleberry, 'tons-of-fun' Chris Christy, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, or even JEB, then I present to you, a political party ..ON  CRACK   !!!!!!!!!
Last night...Joni Ernst (R-IA) had me pissin' in my drawers, as she offered up to America.............." The  N E W..Republican party !  NEW in what way  ?   How does she / they propose to raise the incomes of americans who have NOT had a raise in dam near a decade ?  By reducing taxes on  MITT's friends so thier bottom line goes further up into the Stratosphere  ????????   Raising wages for other than MITT's friends equates to a 'middle class' of Americans.
" N E W S..............F L A S H ",............the GOP does NOT believe in, or want a Middle Class, so.....' W-T-F '  ?
Those conservative douche-bags have NOT produced a person capable of winning since B O took office.
The ONLY one they did have, they desecrated the guy (Jon Huntsman) who COULD pull-it-off, and he's a morman to boot (clean living guy, NO scandals etc)
Oh, wait a minute 'Dog.
I forgot.
My Bad.
I Forgot that those White 'Rhodes Scholars' living in places like Alabama/Mississippi/South Carolina etc, ...DON'T(just for starters) LIKE MORMANS !!  Christ, they had to be hog-tied and DRAGGED to the polls to vote for MITT, in the FINAL !
Quoting the HERITAGE Foundation ?
Jesus man, I KNOW you're Smarter than that  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poster Needs Backup    
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Quoting the HERITAGE Foundation ?
Jesus man, I KNOW you're Smarter than that  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
?? I haven't quoted anyone so maybe the only stooge in this thread is You for believing even a third of what that lying fool was saying.
The Old hag dyke Hilliary isn't winning anything, many women don't like her and if you think for a minute the Obama turn out machine is going to get the "brothers" out to vote for her then you must be high.
I notice you didnt include say a Scott Walker on your little list(though anyone on your list would be a better POTUS than Sen Hag.) the D's have tried to get rid of Walker every way possible and all he does is keep winning as does Wisconsin being in great shape.
I'd suggest you keep your money in your pocket rather than bet on the Hag.
Hell Biden could probably beat her if he could con people out of money like the Hag
Dog Wonder said:
The Republicans have painted themselves into a corner.
Yep.  Now they are going to have to actually govern.  Their track record of that has not been any good (not that the dems are mucc better) so it should be interesting.

On a different note, I think it is telling that the people who do not like Clinton quite often resort to slurs against her.  'Witch' , 'Hag' ....etc people say she cackles, there are comments on her age (different from the way mens age is addressed),  There are more derogatory insults that I will not mention here and I cannot think of any male equivalents.  The same thing happened to Reno, Rice, Ms Obama, and countless other females.  Personally I find it obscene.  I wonder how the people hurling the insults would feel if the terms were used to describe members of their family?  I wonder if these people actually use these terms to describe their family members?

Cltrat?  DO you call your mom or sister a hag?  Would you be OK with someone else doing it?
There was no shortage of people commenting on either Bob Dole or John McCain's ages when they were running. Why shouldn't Hillary or Biden's age be fair game?
eolesen said:
There was no shortage of people commenting on either Bob Dole or John McCain's ages when they were running. Why shouldn't Hillary or Biden's age be fair game?
Never made mention of age.  If someone wants to present the argument that Clinton is to old, go for it. 
You and I know very well that this is not how the arguments are being phrased nor is it what I am addressing here.  Cltrat used the term "hag".  The derogatory and sexist names that women have been called in my opinion has no match to the way men are described.  When was the last time someone made comments about the way Bob Dole or Newt Gingrich looks, or any male politician for that matter?  Then compare that against the number of times that women are described that way.  Look at the way Ms Reno was treated.  Her looks were criticized all the time.  As if there are no ugly male politicians around.  There is a massive double standard when it comes to women and how they are treated.  There is a double standard in vocabulary alone.  Look at the words used to describe a man verses a woman.  There are very few (if any) equivalents.  Calling a woman a #### is not view the same as calling a man a bastard.  Dick v pussy.  Are these words that you would accept having your wife called?  Do you call your wife a #### or ####?  Would you call anyone a 'fat whore' to their face?  If not then why is OK for someone on here to call Clinton, Rice, Reno or anyone else such a name? 
Notice how the language editor treats b1tch and bastard?  How about cu^t?  Two is blocked while the other is not.  Why?
Saying that someone is stupid, too old, crass or what ever is fair game.  When the attacks get personal it crosses the line in my opinion,  If you are going to describe someone in a manner that you would not use on one of your family members, then I think you should sit back and reconsider. 
More over, look at the females who hold office, then look at the men who hold office.  How many men are over weight are frumpy?  Compare that to women and the standard they are held too.  Men all wear the same suit.  Women have to dress differently.  Ms Obama was criticized for wearing sleeveless dresses, Clinton was criticized for wearing pants suits.  What the hell does that have to do with anything?  Clinton cried in public and she was criticized for that.  The list goes on ad nauseam.
to answer you question no ,however if she was a public figure running for POTUS with the abysmal track record Clinton has I might change my mind.
where  is your multi paragraph diatribe about how obscene you found it when Bush is called chimp and other names Repubs get here? Or is it just obscene when it involves your liberal friends.?