Most Annoying Airline Behavior Is ...


Feb 18, 2007
The most offensive airline behavior is incessant talking.
That's the word from, which polled 2,000 travelers to find out their airline etiquette pet peeves. And if you've ever been on a non-stop flight with a non-stop talker seated next to you, you'll no doubt agree. Coming in next were rapid seat-recliners, arm rest hogs, carry-on luggage abusers and seat back grabbers.

The most annoying airline behaviors:
- Incessant Talker, chatters non-stop: 23 percent - Rapid Recliner, wheels up, in your lap: 20 percent - Arm Rest Hog, elbow wrestling, you lose: 12 percent - Carry-on Champ, bashes bags left and right: 12 percent - Seat Back Grabber, grabs your seat to get up: 11 percent - Who Me?, yes, you; turn off your cell phone: 10 percent - Flight DJ, iPod loud enough for all: 3 percent - The Boozer, unscheduled landing anyone?: 3 percent - Mad Bladder, quaff-n-go maniac: 1 percent

What's the important takeaway for travelers?
"The next time you are in a window seat, don't feel so bad about asking your fellow aisle-mates to move so you can get to the lavatory. Just don't grab the person's seat in front of you as you get up and on your way," said Carl Schwartz, director of marketing for

What can travelers do to avoid future airplane etiquette violations?
"Considering that incessant talkers and rapid seat recliners accounted for nearly half of poll responses, it seems that these are by far the most intolerable offenses to fellow travelers. Refraining from these two activities alone will go a long way in creating a more pleasurable flying experience for everyone," Schwartz said.

2007-03-16 11:04:41
From one flight attendant's perspective. :rolleyes:

Aisle leaners (regional-in a 15" aisle this leaves about 8" to get through).
In the aisle leg extenders. Add the aisle leaners and the aisle becomes an obstacle course.
Cell phone sneakers. Do you remember the days when you had to use a pay phone? The door is closed, we are ready to go, please turn it off.
Laptop programs (i.e. games, videos etc) played without using headphones. What are you thinking?
Ordering a beverage and then ignoring my extended arm holding said beverage in front of you.
UN-parents. No one is in charge in this family.
Toe-nail clippers. ummm-hmmm
Porn readers. Give it a rest until you get to your hotel, kay?
3 drink minimums. I'll have a coffee, water and tomato juice, thanks.
Loud talkers. Another reason why cell phones need to be off during flight.
Tornado alley. Have I not walked through this cabin every 10 minutes with a garbage bag in hand? Yet still cleaning up debris that passengers were unwilling to give up during flight.
One that gets me is the folks that muscle their way right up to the gate before boarding so they can get on first with their over-size rollaboard and computer cases, and then hog the overheads, never trying to save space for others by putting a bag under the seat in front. Some people have huge wheeled garment bags. I can't imagine that they meet the carry-requirements. These are people that travel enough that they should make sure one of the bags can fit under a seat, unless they're row 1.
Ordering obscure drinks, e.g., watermelon juice, apricot nectar.

Ordering "special" drinks, e.g., cranberry-apple with just a splash of O.J., and a drop of seltzer, and two ice cubes.

Asking for condiments like tabasco and Worchestershire sauce.

Asking for baby items that every mom should carry in that big fat diaper bag.

Asking for juice/crackers b/c you're "diabetic". You should carry your own supply of carbs or a glucagon IM at all times. If you tell me flippantly that your sugar is "low"; I'm going to ask for an exact number to see if you need paramedics.
Being utility at one time I can tell you yes people do stuff dirty diapers in seatback pockets.

We have had some people get stuck with used needles.

And I agree Bob the feet on the bulkhead is annoying and the worst thing is I seen many a FA do it and I would say do you put your feet on your walls at home, boy did I get some dirty looks.
And I agree Bob the feet on the bulkhead is annoying and the worst thing is I seen many a FA do it and I would say do you put your feet on your walls at home, boy did I get some dirty looks. why do they put carpet on the bulkhead?
They use to be white vinyl and were too hard to clean and Wolf thought it would make the interiors look more crisp with carpeted bulkheads and easier to maintain and clean.
My #1 hands down is the kid kicking seat in front of him/her or up/down with tray table non stop. The parents who ignore such behavior in a fair world would have same kid behind their seat for rest of life.
As a customer one thing that absolutely frosts my arse is the guy in the Bulkhead seat who thinks it's perfectly OK to put his Gucci Loafered paws on the bulkhead. :down:

Good Christ do they put their feet up on the walls in their house? Thought I was a pig when I rest my feet on my Coffee Table at home.


I cannot agree on this more so. I haven't seen it done in Y too much but mostly in F. (Maybe the more pitch).

So on my most recent flight on the A320 in F... Piney, you've flown the A320 and you know where and how high the TV is at in row 1, anyhow the guy put his shoes higher than the tv, this is no joke. If the FA's don't like the behavior, can't they just tell the pax to take off his feet off the bulkhead. I don't know- maybe FAA take off violation??
The most offensive airline behavior is incessant talking.
That's the word from, which polled 2,000 travelers to find out their airline etiquette pet peeves.

sky high states; Wonderful website:

there's a flight attendant on this site who brilliantly writes articles related to our flying experience.


LOL, Read "Strangers in the flight"

only stating opinions.
crying babies sure has to be up there, too. It never fails that when I non-rev, I'm given a seat next to a screamer. And yes, people do stuff diapers (among other filthy things) in the seat pockets. Incessant talking is surely just about as annoying though! It reminds me of a flight about a month ago when this "aspiring actress" was seated in front of me and chatted up her seatmate the entire flight about as loud as if she were holding a conversation with someone 10 rows ahead. She was using the "F" bomb repeatedly, too. Some class? Not that profanity is offensive to me, but it got to the point I moved back to the last row to avoid listening to her anymore.