No More Peanuts

The anti-peanut people are a relentless group. I have a journalist friend who wrote an article way back pretty much mocking the end of peanuts on planes. This group didn't like it so they bombarded the journalist with foul e-mails and phone calls to their home. It got so nasty the journalist's employer hired a private investigator to find out who was behind all the hub bub. Sure enough, it was group of hippie granolas from Portland, Maine. I know all about severe reactions, I am allergic to bees, so, I carry an EPI-PEN. There are risks in the world, don't want to risk it, stay home then.

I like peanuts in Pepsi.

A TRUE South Carolinian!

A320 Driver :p

You hippies eat tofu in Pepsi...yawl.
Have you ever seen someone with a severe peanut allergy? I remember working the gate and seeing this man come off the plane with his eyes nearly swollen shut, his face beat red, hives everywhere. This was after he was reassured (by RES) that we would not serve peanuts. Of course, no one told the crew and when the first several rows of customers started opening the bags of nuts, he had a reaction just from the dust.

Peanut allergies are one of the most common food allergies and in many cases can be life threatening. Removign peanuts is the right thing to do. Why cause yourself more headaches.
The aircraft are still saturated with peanut dust. The seat pocket always gets used as a trash bin.

They're saying we'll serve mixed nuts or petzels. There's probably a warning on both of those about being produced in a factory that contains peanuts.
The aircraft are still saturated with peanut dust. The seat pocket always gets used as a trash bin.
Peanut debris is one of the less offensive things found in seat pockets/passenger trash bins! I can't remember the airline I saw it on (Transavia?)), the seat pockets were made of an open netting, instead of regular seat back covering. Anything smaller than about two inches would simply fall on the passenger's foot thus making the seat pocket a bad trash receptacle. Anything bigger (like a wadded up napkin) would be seen by the cleaning crew, making it faster and easier to clean the pockets. No "surpises" either.
I suppose fewer cell phones, ticket envelopes and the like are left in there too.

Of course, Ryanair has eliminated the problem alltogether!