Now It's Confirmed!


Mar 9, 2003
:up: :up: :up:

Let me tell you all this little story.

Yesterday I got to the recruitment center to have some news about my file. The corporal there told me he had nothing new to tell me about the selection process and that it could long before I got some news about if I was to be choose or not.

So I told him that if I didn't know If was choose or not I was to begin searching again for a job for the next fire season (Fire patrol). And as you know many business now, here in Quebec, ask us to pay for the training (a thing that I really don't like :stupid: ). Now to be on a twin it can cost you around 5000-6000$ for the training. The corporal had think that the money was reimbursed if I was to let go the contract of the Fire patrol in the case where I would accept an offer from the army. But you don't...............

So I explain to him that I would really appreciate if I could have some news (bad or good) in the very near futur. Unfortunately he told me that it could do nothing about it and I understand him. So I got to my home pretty sad and &&$%%?//"/ up. To be honest, I wasn't appreciate at all the fact that I would have to fly fire patrol next summer. (understand here that it is too well underpaid).

So this morning at 8h30am I received a call from the corporal telling me that now I WAS CONFIRMED!!!!!! :up: and I should begin the basic training in january 12th (the next session at St-Jean). That must be confirmed in the next few weeks!!!!!

Well when you think about coincidence!!!!!!!

:up: :up: :up:
On behalf of HEPAC let me be the first to congratulate you and don't forget to keep in touch.

All the best.

Cheers Don
Congratulations and good luck.

I hope its all that you expect and much more.

Enjoy and as Don said "Keep in touch"

Go, Ironman! It's nice to hear a budding success story with that people regurgitating machine. Best of luck to you. B)
See you on the inside dude. Keep smiling, just remember, boot camp is just to imprint team work and discipline, flight training will be much more fun or like my little boy says, much gooder.
Congratulation to you Ironman.

For the embedded comments about being told to pay for training in Quebec. This is a perfect place for HEPAC to start, and may I implore as many people as possible to tell these operaters to !!GET STUFFED!!
First off, Congratulations Ironman. I am also in the process of becoming a pilot in the Canadian Forces however only at security screening stage right now. You said for aircrew selection to study up on high school math. By this do you mean algebra and trig or just the basics…being able to add/subtract/multiply/divide, basic problem solving, etc. For me I am a pilot with about 200 hours, no cpl-multi-ifr, so in the sim what kinds of stuff do they have you do? The Capt. who interviewed me said they want you to follow their directions to the letter rather than flying the airplane how you may have been taught. Is their any radio navigation at all? Could you or anyone else who has done aircrew selection shed some more light on this.

Feel free to pm me- [email protected]

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:D Well to answer your questions:

Basically the maths tests (3) are very basic. If you want to study it's your choice, for the aircrew selection I did'nt study at all.

As for the simulator sessions (4), it's instrument flying all the way! The sim does not behave like a real airplane at all. It is much too sensitive! You have to make corrections all the time. In fact the sim test your ability to react and adapt to different situations. That's it, that's all!!! The best way to prepare yourself is to practice on a PC flightsim with a yoke and pedals like FS2004.

The sim sessions are the most stressful during the week you'll pass at Trenton. Just keep breathing and you'll see, it can be made!!!!!

Well I hope this will help you and GOOD LUCK!!! We will see you probably in the very near futur!!!

:up: :up: :up:
Thanks bro,

I went in today to sign off some security forms and it looks like my medical is clean so I think I have a good shot for aircrew selection. Good luck with basic,,, from what I hear you just have to get around the fact that you're a piece of spam for 3 months. I imagine that the first week is the worse and then it gets progressively better.

Thanks again,

So Ironman or Hickus, Do you guys have university degree's? In what subject? and do you need such in order to be accepted? Where did you guys learn to fly?
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Hmm....... :) First I have a degree in Kinesiology from Laval University. I'm specialized in Biomechanics and Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab.

As for the licence, I made my CPL Multi-IFR here in Quebec city at Jean Lesage International Airport. I finished the course in 2001.

I understand the airforce ask for a university wich field, I don't know if this is of great importance. You should ask a recruiting officer......
