NWA Nearly Tops the List of Dumbest Moments in Business

Oct 30, 2006
On CNN's 101 Dumbest Moments in Business, NWA comes in #2.

In July, bankrupt Northwest Airlines begins laying off thousands of ground workers, but not before issuing some of them a handy guide, "101 Ways to Save Money."

The advice includes dumpster diving ("Don't be shy about pulling something you like out of the trash"), making your own baby food, shredding old newspapers for use as cat litter, and taking walks in the woods as a low-cost dating alternative

Article after the jump!
On CNN's 101 Dumbest Moments in Business, NWA comes in #2.

In July, bankrupt Northwest Airlines begins laying off thousands of ground workers, but not before issuing some of them a handy guide, "101 Ways to Save Money."

The advice includes dumpster diving ("Don't be shy about pulling something you like out of the trash"), making your own baby food, shredding old newspapers for use as cat litter, and taking walks in the woods as a low-cost dating alternative

Article after the jump!

We got ROBBED!

NWA was by far the most stupid.

"Don't be shy about pulling something TRASHY (like you) out of the trash"...all the best, love, NWA