NY State Compliant Rifles


Oct 29, 2002
Hats off to a Missouri gun company.
A Missouri-based gun manufacturer announced this week that it will release a line of “New York Compliant” rifles, a market-based response to the Empire State’s strict new gun laws.
“With the continual trampling of the 2nd Amendment in New York, Black Rain Ordnance is proud to announce their ‘New York Compliant’ rifles,” the group said in a statement on its website. “These rifles feature all of the quality and craftsmanship of the standard BRO-lines, but with the added features that allow for legal possession.”
Far less scary looking than one of those evil Bushmaster style AR's.

xUT said:
Crap, I want one!
Does it meet KommieFornia standards... :p
The Nancy Pelosi special edition only shoots left for KommieFornia. 
The Eric Holder special edition only works if the shooter is an illegal, speaks spanish, and is a drug dealer.
Hackman said:
The Eric Holder special edition only works if the shooter is an illegal, speaks spanish, and is a drug dealer.
Thanks for clarifying. I thought it only worked if the target wasn't part of a protected class.
Now your getting into the Special Obama Edition, it has a high helix barrel twist....it's tied in a knot.
I like guns. I grew up with them and was taught respect for them. Does that mean I think everyone should be entitled to one? No.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
I like guns. I grew up with them and was taught respect for them. Does that mean I think everyone should be entitled to one? No.
Just the Gov'ment and elected Fuhrer's, I take it!
Oh! And criminals!
AdAstraPerAspera said:
I like guns. I grew up with them and was taught respect for them. Does that mean I think everyone should be entitled to one? No.
Everyone and anyone that has the desire, training, is not a criminal or mentally ill, and knows that the police can't protect them should be legally able to own and carry a firearm. That includes an assault rifle of their choice with a 20-30 round clip. Unfortunately the police usually show up after the crime to draw the chalk lines. The police have a very difficult job, and I'm not knocking them.
More legal guns in trained hands equals less crime, that is a fact.
Hackman said:
Everyone and anyone that has the desire, training, is not a criminal or mentally ill, and knows that the police can't protect them should be legally able to own and carry a firearm. That includes an assault rifle of their choice with a 20-30 round clip. Unfortunately the police usually show up after the crime to draw the chalk lines. The police have a very difficult job, and I'm not knocking them.
More legal guns in trained hands equals less crime, that is a fact.
More legal guns in untrained hands leads to more accidental firearm discharges resulting in injuries and deaths. That is a fact.
You are more likely to be shot with your own firearm than to ever use it against a criminal.
This too, is fact.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
More legal guns in untrained hands leads to more accidental firearm discharges resulting in injuries and deaths. That is a fact.
You are more likely to be shot with your own firearm than to ever use it against a criminal.
This too, is fact.
On your first point, that is why the NRA has training and classes for kids. Something the anti gun left has demonized the NRA for.
Second, I don't know where you got that from. Shot by my own gun? Uh, ok. Sounds like that's just your opinion...man.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
I've taken an NRA-sponsored hunter's safety course when I was a teen.
Here, is this what you are looking for?
Good job, me too. Here are more stats that are intresting. You are more much more likely to die by other means than shooting yourself with your own gun.
"Firearms are involved in 0.5% of accidental deaths nationally, compared to motor vehicles (29%), poisoning (27%), falls (21%), suffocation (5%), drowning (3%), fires (2%), medical mistakes (1.7%), environmental factors (1.3%), and pedal cycles (0.6%). Among children: motor vehicles (34%), suffocation (27%), drowning (17%), fires (7%), environmental factors (2.3%), poisoning (2.2%), falls (1.5%), firearm (1.5), pedal cycles (1.4%), and medical mistakes (1.3%).
I don't think anyone is disputing that. However, don't you think it's a little bit ironic that the the people buying guns for "safety" are statistically, making themselves less so?