Obama to penalize companies exporting US jobs


Oct 29, 2002
The White House will unveil reforms to the nation's international tax code on Monday intended to close loopholes for overseas tax havens and end incentives for creating jobs overseas.

The two components of the president's plan include reforms that ensure the tax code does not handicap companies seeking to create jobs at home, as well as reforms that reduce the amount of tax revenue lost to tax havens.

Under Restructuring, GM To Build More Cars Overseas

The U.S. government is pouring billions into General Motors in hopes of reviving the domestic economy, but when the automaker completes its restructuring plan, many of the company's new jobs will be filled by workers overseas. :huh:

Campaign pledge........ :eek:

Your tax dollar at work overseas.......guess He's spreading our wealth elsewhere....oh....it's the Big Picture....I see now.

Instead of penalizing he should be encouraging with incentives and tax breaks to stimulate business. This will do nothing more then companies going Galt.