ObamaCare Healthcare Professionals ?

And for your viewing pleasure !

From Micheles site !

"How desperate and dense are the Obama lapdogs at MSNBC?; Update: Obama blames Romney"

So what does the British media have against Romney.

Probably nothing except they know he won't let Europe dictate to him how the US should do things. Obama's a sucker and incompetent that he is can be snookered by the Brits. So they skewer Romney.
The day I even give half a rat's arse over what the Brits think will be the same day airlines hire trained pigs to sling bags and drive the tugs.

It really does not matter what you think. Since foreign policy is the job of the executive branch it does matter what another country thinks about the guy in the Oval Office.
Would it be better to leave people uncovered? The article also pointed.out that even with out the expanded health care there would still be a shortage.

Did the republican health care plan have any solutions for the doctor shortage?
How is having a healthcare plan without doctors better than no healthcare plan at all?

Why are over half of all primary care physicians not accepting new Medicaid patients? The expansion of Medicaid accounts for more than one-third of the overall growth in coverage!

The news wasn’t all bad as the Obama Administration has stated that they are pumping in money to train new primary care doctors. These provisions will provide about 3,000 new doctors in a system that needs 45,000.