Opinions on the new forums look & functionality?

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Jul 23, 2003
1) I do like the enhanced editor...

2) Not sure I like the new Reputation approach (no pun intended)....
  • exposing the identity of who votes up a post may discourage people from doing so, especially if it is a controversial view or opposing view
  • at least one person has been exposed as "liking" himself over 1000 times, and creating an alter-ego profile for the purposes of increasing their reputation score and exceeding the previous quotas (having a second profile isn't expressly prohibited by forum rules)
  • only allowing positive votes makes the whole thing less objective

3) There's no longer a way to show more than 15 posts per pages. I prefer having fewer pages to read, especially on a busy thread or forum.

4) I don't see how I can reverse order posts in a topic so that the most recent is at the top
Like the new look, will take some time getting use to but, I do agree with eolesen with only allowing positive votes ! I always looked forward to the number of negatives I received as it meant I was hitting the right nerve !
I'm finding it hard on the eyes, but I think that's more of not being used to it, than anything.

I'd like both positive and negatives to be allowed for the reasons E listed.

I'm so used to clicking the far right spot for the latest post, that I keep clicking profile views instead.

My avatar was erased, so I had to upload it again, but no big deal...

Still need to play around with the board set up, since there's new options (at least they weren't there before, afaik)...
Creature of habit...I hate the New Forum! But then again I didn't have the Farrah Fawcett swimsuit poster hanging in my room as a teen. So who am I to judge.
I am using Firefox (latest and greatest).
Toolbar (text formatting, emoticons, links, spell check, etc...) does not work for me.
Do I "HAVE" to get IE?
I am sending this to the moderators as well.
B) xUT
Not for nothing, but I'm on Safari, and they're all there and working...

One thing I wish was still around was the ability to "name" a link you post w/o using code. Maybe it's still here and I missed it?
Keep the comments coming....I am going to write up any bugs and I can probably accomodate the most requested features. Thanks guys.
Doesn't appear to have any formatting options using safari on iPhone (full version).
I dont like the fact that the tab is gone at the bottom to change forums and you have to go back to the top.
Maybe I'm missing it but is there still a way to attach a picture to a post?
Click on the "more reply options" button at the bottom right of the text box.
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