Pama Supports Sport Pilot,

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
PAMA Supports Sport Pilot, Improved Maintenance Provisions

The Federal Aviation Administration released the aviation industry’s long-awaited Final Rule authorizing Light Sport Aircraft and Sport Pilots on July 20, 2004. This watershed document recognizes and legitimizes a new simplified category of aircraft, pilot training, and system of maintenance. Noteworthy are the strengthened maintenance requirements that this rule incorporates over the original rule proposed some four years ago.

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Checking it Out said:
PAMA Supports Sport Pilot, Improved Maintenance Provisions

The Federal Aviation Administration released the aviation industry’s long-awaited Final Rule authorizing Light Sport Aircraft and Sport Pilots on July 20, 2004. This watershed document recognizes and legitimizes a new simplified category of aircraft, pilot training, and system of maintenance. Noteworthy are the strengthened maintenance requirements that this rule incorporates over the original rule proposed some four years ago.

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Meanwhile the TWU continues the corporate scheme that lowers the requirements to work on shop work at a major carrier, via the OSM paygrade.
Is PAMA a TWU approved "Association"?

PAMA has it written into their Constitution that Management will occupy at least part of the board. It is a 'management friendly association'.

I dont think that PAMA accepts Fleet Service clerks though.

So PAMA is what you would call an elitist organization that seeks to promote the profession of Aircraft Maintenance, they do not accept anyone who is not a mechanic but they will accept either rank and file or management A&Ps.

Are you advocating PAMA?